29.[Where Things Fall Out Of The Sky and People Get Self Righteous]

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[Phoebe—Weeks into May]

"Can you please stop growing? " I asked Summer as she made strange noises every now and then, as we laid in the bed together.

Every day, she reminded me more and more of her father. It irritated me and made me smile at the same time.

"Knock, knock." I looked up at both my Moms standing in the doorway.

"Hi." I smiled as they crawled into the bed, Meredith of course bearing gifts.

"Be careful, watch my painting." I warned them has they hopped over it.

"You're painting now Honey? How nice."

"Yeah, Estelle made me pick up a hobby. I'm really good at it."

"Look what your Grandma brought you! A new toy." She pulled it out of the bag, scooping her so she could try and hold it.

"Every time you come over you bring a new gift. What is wrong with you?" Mom asked and I chuckled shaking my head as I sat up against the headboard.

"That's what Grand parents are for Averie. Gifts, love, money and yeses when your mom and dad say no. We are the epitome of why kids are spoiled. Get with the programme and leave me alone. I have waited years for Phoebe to have a mini me. Can I enjoy it?"

Averie rolled her eyes, fixing Summer's onesie. "Sure."

I smiled looking out of the window, something I had been doing a lot of lately.

"Honey?" Mom rubbed my leg.

"Tomorrow's your birthday. Aren't you excited?" She asked but I just shrugged and small smiled, nodding to make the both of them happy.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"You look like a teenager still Phoebe, especially because you've been hitting the gym lately. You look so fresh." Meredith complimented, smoothing down my hair.

"Okay guys, I get it. You guys have some party you're throwing, tomorrow night. Please don't. Tomorrow I'm going to this job interview Bambi recommended and after that I just want to do nothing. Please don't do anything."

"Oh for Christ's sake Phoebe, You can't sit around here and miss August forever."

I rolled my eyes, pulling the comforter off of my body climbing out of the bed. "Mom stop. I do not miss August. This space has been the best thing for me. I'm happier than I have ever been."

"He called yesterday." Mom said.

I spun around to her, confused.

"Called who?"

"Me. He said that he had something for you. But because he wasn't going to be in town, he left your present at my condo." She shrugged.

I fluttered my eyelashes , slowly nodding. "Well what is it? And where is he?"

"Says he's in New York, he said. And it's a huge square thing, in the centre of my living room. Some people delivered it yesterday. It's wrapped so I couldn't tell."

"Mom you know what kind of space we're in and you let him leave gifts and call you?"

"Honey, he's the father of your daughter. I know what he did but that doesn't mean I have to stop talking to him. He obviously is just as heartbroken as you. You should hear him out. It's been like weeks, not saying get back with him. Just hear what he has to say."

I scoffed. "You were the same one saying I should let him suffer. Take my love away from him and make him hurt the way I did. You did it to Daddy when that whole episode with Consuela. Are you kidding me?"

The Tried and The True(August Alsina) (WLAD) Trilogy The Third ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now