21.[Where Things Get Foul and No Aphrodisiac Is Needed]

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Update!!Excuse Errors and thank you for all Christmas wishes! Love you guys too. Also be open minded when reading this chapter. Also Who saw that ish on Snap with BlacChyna VS Heather Sanders? Son I was weak lol. Anyway Read on. Baelani, in MM along with Summer and her Mom and Dad how sweet.

[Phoebe Almost 2 Weeks Later Approaching March]

"I lost me when I found you. I drowned me, when I drowned you." I sang, along to the song in my head four the past 5 days now. It was stuck in my head on replay. That was the last time August called or even texted me. Of course he came here like every two days to see and spend time with his babies but he had no time for his future wife it seems.

I had been calling him nonstop, I had never felt this way before. Ironically I remember telling him he would never get me to chase him, yet here I am waiting by the phone.

"Mommy's baby is about to you fell asleep huh.." I smiled touching her forehead taking her off of my boob. She had begun gnawing my nipple something she did when she was obviously no longer hungry. I fixed her onesie laying putting her over my chest patting her back before I laid her down.

"Can you tell Mom or Brent to put some pacifier in some warm water. I was soaking a few from earlier but she likes this one." I said to Kaitlyn as she was deep into the cartoon.

I shook my head realizing she of course never heard me."Kaitlyn honey?"

"I coming." She said taking it out of hand still with her eyes glued to the TV. I smiled."Oh and Kaitlyn when you're finished doing that, take your teaspoon of Seven Seas would yuh." I smirked. "Bake a cake while you're ahead."I added.

"Mhmm Okay." She nodded slowly walking out of the room backwards still glued to the TV. That's how I knew she was neck-deep in whatever show it was. She hated that stuff. If she was actually listening to me n not just hearing me she would've burst into a fit of tears how bad she hated it. It was so good for your skin and hair but she hated taking it.

When August came to pack his few things to stay wherever he wasy staying, I sat on the edge of the bed, watching him pack his stuff. He couldn't even look at me, I could see it in his eyes that there was something else. Something else for this, some other reason.

That same night before he left I made him sit Kaitlyn down and explain to her why he wasn't going to be coming home. August is legally Kaitlyn's father and guardian. He made me break a lot of news to her because he was scared to do it himself and also because he knows of the kind of relationship Kaitlyn and I share. She trusts me and loves me as her own mother, but this was something he had to tell her on his own.

She was confused wondering why daddy couldn't just me a present or vice versa and we just kiss and make up. She was 6 for God's sake. How do you explain to your six year old that Daddy and Mommy are 'taking a break'? She wasn't very happy with it but August told her he was just going away for a while. He didn't think she could know every detail why he and I both were hurting.

He made his priority to be at her mini talent show last week and she loved every minute of it, until he had to leave early. Her frowned was so deep and when he kissed her forehead telling her he had to leave that she didn't even seem surprised and that's when I knew the clock for her unconditional love was beginning to wane and time to patch it up and make it all better was ...slowly drifting away from not only him, but us.

I fumbled to grab my vibrating phone seeing it was him. I took a deep breath touching Summer's stomach as she tried to grab the bib around her neck.


"It's Aug." He said and smiled, well no shit I have caller ID for nothing.

I exhaled fixing Summer's socks. "You finally answered. I've been calling."

The Tried and The True(August Alsina) (WLAD) Trilogy The Third ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now