22.[Where Things Barely Stay Afloat And Balls Are Grown]

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I'm going to edit this later on tonight so excuse errosr for now. Also,The reason there is no August POV for this situation as yet is because I feel that would ruin the storyline. If it was written in an omniscient POV you would have known what he was thinking but because the book is primarily about Phoebe and August I would prefer for you to feel like Phoebe for now. So just wait and see how it plays out.[All Photos do not belong to me; they were sent to me or found on the PUBLIC internet sources.
Also I know some of y'all dont really care for miracle watts because of her alleged relationship with August but i followed her on snapchat and she's quite okay,a little vain but seems like a nice girl.

[Phoebe--A Week Later]

"So you still haven't told me how school was today." I said over my shoulder to Kaitlyn as she sat on the island in the kitchen while Mom was busying entertaining Summer in the den.

"You haven't said anything about it this past week. The school hasn't called either." I said , opening the oven checking the chicken.

"It was okay."" She said as she continued nibbling the top of her cupcake, she always only ate the top.

"Just okay? What about this little girl. Deliah." I asked her and she scrunched up her face.

"Daddy told me to be a big girl and deal with her if she trouble me again." She said and I furrowed as she continued. "So yesterday on the swings, I pushed her really hard and she fell off. But I ran and hide." She said giggling and I frowned.

"Oh Kaitlyn. No. That's not how you handle things."

"Daddy say, you gotta get the gotters. Or you gonna keep getting got." She recited and I chuckled. What the...

"What has you're daddy been telling since you spent those days over there."

She smiled. "Well...He said that I gotta stand up for myself oh and that if you let people slide once, they're gonna think they can iceskate on you." I face palmed myself walking over to her, holding her face.

"Listen to me Kaitlyn, what Daddy's saying is true but you're too young to be fighting, I know about bully's trust me. I got bullied a lot since I switched schools when I was younger too. But I got over them by ignoring them showing that no matter what they did to get me down I always tried to show them that they couldn't."

She laughed. "Daddy said you was gonna say that." She said touching the end of my hair.

"He did?"

"Mhmm." She nodded. "But he say that that girl just jealous and that whatever you say to do I should do." She said and I raised my brows looking at her.

"He did. Well you guys seemed to have had quite the convo, what else did he say? He told me you weren't feeling okay when you were there but looks like you're better now."

She tapped her chin. "My tummy was hurting but not anymore. And Well Daddy say that he miss being home."

"He did?"

She nodded. "Why Daddy sleeping at uncle Chad house?" She queried and I sighed getting the icing out of the fridge.

"Kaitlyn he explained this to you already honey. I don't wanna get into it. I don't think it's my place to put you between us."

"What Daddy do? He ain't tell me why he can't come home he just say he can't, and that he going away for a while."

I spun around to her, resting the frosting down on the counter as she eagerly opened the lids. "Listen sweetheart. Your Dad and I are just in a bad place but we'll get better believe me. H—he's just been taken his family for granted but he'll come to his senses soon. Do you remember when I gave you this locket on my birthday?" I said looking at it around her neck.

The Tried and The True(August Alsina) (WLAD) Trilogy The Third ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now