36.[Where She Wishes, If Only He Could See Directly Into Her]

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Hi GUYS!!! I feel so terrible about leaving the story since October, I was uninspired. Hopefully I stay inspired to update He Saved Me within the next few days. Hope you guys still enjoy my work.  I DIDN'T EDIT IT! I'll edit tomorrow.


"Why is she here August? What did you do?" She looked up at me with her arms folded.

"What are you talking about Phe, I ain't did nothing." I sighed, running my hands over my head looking at Deliah as she had awoken Kaitlyn and they were now sitting in the kitchen swinging around in the stools.

I knew for a fact that Lola was in trouble and that wasn't my problem, but why she would drop off her kid here after all she put my family through it's like what the fuck man.

All of a sudden Phoebe started twitching and shit, pacing back and forth. "Look Aug I don't want or need any more lies. I—I mean you can tell me if she is. Is she yours? Is that why that bitch just left her here?? Just tell me." She said looking like she was on the verge of tears.

"What?" I started laughing. "You joking right?" I asked her and she didn't even move.

"No Phoebe, the fuck? You really think I'd keep something like that from you?" I asked moving closer to her and she suddenly exhaled sitting back down on the couch.

"I'm sorry, I just had to ask." She sighed tucking her feet under each other.

I realized then just how fucked up I had made Phoebe. She literally wasn't the same person anymore. It was clear as day that she thought low of me and that she really didn't trust me. As if the trust was never there. And if there is no trust it's like damn I really fucked up.

"I'd never do that to you Phoebe. I'm a man who made some shitty choices but damn, Ion gonna hide a whole child from you. Damn." I said sitting next to her.

She brushed her hair out of her face, slightly touching my back. "I'm sorry August, inside me I tried my hardest not to ask. I swear." She said.

"It's aight Summer. It's my fault you even would think something like that. Don't sweat it. Look I think Lola might be in trouble or whatever which is why she probably dropped her off here."

"But why? We hate each other..."

"Cause' she know you wouldn't hurt her kid Phoebe. Lola might be a lot of things but one thing she know people without knowing them. She know you got a good heart baybeh, so even though you'd beat the shit out of her, you wouldn't leave her daughter on the streets."

She rolled her eyes. "That's true. But don't try to play it off as if it's only about me. Lola left her only daughter here with you August, she knew you were gonna be here. That says something, she like really trusts you. And it's so messed up because she continues to have you as her puppet but you don't see it. She manipulates people, that's what she does. How does she live with herself dropping off her kid to the dude's house she drugged, had a whole foursome with and then broke up a whole family. Like this bitch is delusional... but at the same time genius. It's like she's always in control." She stood up looking down at me.

"What you want me to do Phe?"

"Look she can sleep in Kaitlyn's room tonight, but you know they don't get along since she used to bully Kay Kay and then you told her to push her off the swings or some shit. I'm surprised they're even getting along now. Look one night, but tomorrow you have to take her to the police station and get her to a family member or something."

"Lola aint got no familyPphe."

"I don't care what the fuck she has or doesn't have August! I'm sorry okay, I might be a little daffodil at times, might even be too caring but I can't have her daughter here in my house as a constant reminder of her mother. I don't want to constantly be reminded of that night okay? And we don't even know what type of shit Lola's waist deep in. We don't even know if she's setting us up to get killed with her daughter being here. We don't know if someone's looking for her or anything. So she has to go. You can be her puppet, but I won't. I just don't trust anyone anymore August; after Malcolm resurfacing, Lola and her bullshit, my own mother...I can't afford to be fooled with Kaitlyn and Summer here. And after all Lola's done you should not want to help her at all." She said as she took off. That night she took Summer and she slept in one of the guests rooms, on the furthest side of the house, and let Kaitlyn and Lola's daughter sleep in her bed, while Brent slept in Phoebe's vanity chair guarding them all night.

The Tried and The True(August Alsina) (WLAD) Trilogy The Third ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now