3.[Where Things Get Severe And The Shit Hits The Fan]

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Excuse Errors

[Phoebe-Four Short Days Later]

"Kaitlyn honey! Wait." I said tiredly as she released my hand running excitedly in the Baby and Toddler Store. I hid behind my sunglasses as Mommy and Brent scantly trailed behind us. He always gave space...just not too much.

"I wanna look at the toys!" Kaitlyn said as she pointed to the numerous playthings.

"But we made a deal. You help me shop, then we look at the toys."

She groaned dragging herself towards me as I reached out my hand for hers. This was something Heather and I planned to do together. She was supposed to be here shopping with me, helping me pick out stuff instead now she's soon going to be picking out her own.

After Brent dropped that bomb on me, I didn't question him anymore. I was silent, silent with him everywhere. I didn't know what to say.  Heather obviously had no intentions of seeing how her friend was doing since she hadn't called or tried to reach out to me since August's arrest.

Maybe she sort of knew all along somehow that she was carrying. Brent said that she also didn't want to tell me how far along she was, but he hinted that she was almost a freaking month.  Maybe Heather didn't want to be my friend anymore, everything happened so quickly and she just disappeared on me, when I need her the most.

"Okay. I need your opinion Kaitlyn, on the items I select today."

She pulled at  her hair. I noticed she did that whenever she was irritated or when she was anxious. "Stop pulling at your hair baby." I said looking down as she continued to do it.

"But we can't pick pink for a boy. Or blue for a girl." She said and I smiled.

"I know we don't know what the baby is yet, but that's why we're neutral shopping today. Like both boys and girls can wear black and white , grey even yellow right?"

"Nuh uh. Yellow a girl colour." She said and Mom laughed.

"Guys wear yellow all the time pumpkin." I said skimming the aisle.

"Okay." She said finally giving up, reaching for me to lift her.

"Oh Kaitlyn. I can't keep lifting you all the time." I said but I still scooped her unto my hip as we begin picking up little items.

"Mom look at these little bibs. Oh My God. They're so cute. Look this one says "Party at My Crib." I laughed.

"What does this one say?" Kaitlyn said as she begin to sound out the words.

"It says, Mommy and Daddy put on my cape backwards." I chuckled as she giggled.

"Oh My this one is funny." Mom said. "I love BOOBIES." She grinned.

"We're getting them." I said throwing them into the cart.

"Can I help you guys with anything?" I looked up and there was a girl there.

"Oh, no we're good." Brent said quickly trying to shoo her away, it as his job anyway. I knew now why August kept him for so long, he was serious about security especially after Malcolm.

I stared at him and he stared at her up and down, she was very attractive. "Brent. It's okay. Matter of fact you can I would like some cute little onesies and stuff like that. We were supposed to be semi-browsing and window shopping today but I'm a hoarder so you know how that goes." I said.

"Oh yes I do! All Mothers, love our store, they just can't help but purchase. Follow me." She said and I tagged along holding Kaitlyn on my hip as Mom continued browsing  as Brent trailed yet again.

The Tried and The True(August Alsina) (WLAD) Trilogy The Third ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now