28.[Where Things Become Oriented, And He'll Need To Try Harder]

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[Phoebe—Later That Evening]

"Honey relax, I'm sure he just wants to get a little time with his baby."Mom shook my shoulder.

"Mom, I know that's her father...or whatever but she doesn't even have on a hat, shoes. I'm worried. You know she's just getting over her colic. And August is...rusty when it comes to this parenting thing."

She chortled. "What? The man has a whole beautiful 6 year old, who is at the top of her 1st grade class. I'd say he did a pretty good job." She reassured me spinning around from the dish washer.

"I know Mommy. I'd never take that away from him. But Summer isn't Kaitlyn, and Kaitlyn isn't Summer. I want him to be there for Summer too, not because he wants me back. But because he loves her and wants to be in her life." I sighed.

"Well just relax."

My phone was going off like crazy, but I ignored it questioning her more. "Mom, you haven't been around a lot lately and you're acting as if what's going between August and I is no big deal. Mom and Dad have been around more than you. You don't even come home until mid morning or late at night."

Her brows wrinkled with guilt. "I'm sorry sweetheart. It's Ray." She beamed. "He's been showing me a lot of new things, and he's been bringing out things in me I never knew. He's a darling, I want all of us to have dinner together."

I rubbed my forehead , looking at my phone. "Mom, do you even know this guy? He's like a club owner. You know how club owner's are."

"Oh stop being negative Nancy. He's really a great listener, and he said he was looking forward to meeting you again. I mean you barely said hello to him months ago when you were pregnant."

I sucked my teeth, wanting to keep her love all for me and only me seeing she had just come into my life, not too long ago now.

"You'll be fine. He loves children." I scuffed, when did I become a child?

"Matter of fact he has a son. He's around your age and he's employed in the Marines,but he's overseas right now." She smiled, here we go.

"That's nice Mom." I said scrolling through my when Bambi called me.

"Hi Bam." I answered, picking at my nails.

"Bitch I been calling you." I chuckled, what a nice greeting.

"I know. I'm only now seeing this. I was talking to Mommy."

"Tell her I said Hi, but we got a problem." She said quickly.

I furrowed. "What's up?" I got up walking into the family room.

She sighed. "I keep telling you to check Instagram and Twitter, it's like you have those apps for nothing."

"You know how I feel about all those social media stuff, what's happening?" I asked looking out of the window tucking my hand into the back pocket of my jeans.

"It's bad, I'm just tired of people trying to drag you on the internet."

"What is it Bamb!" I shouted at her and she sighed.

"Somebody got to the blogs and now they're saying that August Alsina, allegedly had a fling with some stripper chick. They don't say her name or anything but it's just weird."

I sighed, knowing this was bound to happen. "Bamb you know how the media is. What happened with August and those girls, I have no control over. My psychiatrist isn't exactly interested in me caring either."

The Tried and The True(August Alsina) (WLAD) Trilogy The Third ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now