34.[Where Things Get Separated Like Red Seas And She Picks Her Poison]

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That photo don't have shit to do with this update I just deadass love it so much. ❤❤❤❤

And anyway, when I be giving y'all these back to back updates y'all don't have nothing to say, THEN when I don't update for months everybody wanna type update, update! I mean is it that boring right now?

[Phoebe---The Next Afternoon]

"I can't believe the photos either. I look young again." I told Bambi as I looked at them on my lap and she sucked her teeth.

"Phoebe you always look like you're 20 don't even start. I'm gonna frame mine so that when Cameron comes over he can see what he could lose." She said confidently and I giggled rolling my eyes at her.

"Girl you are something else. The shoot was fun and Henry is a really cool guy I didn't feel uncomfortable or nothing with him."

"That's cause he's gay duh." She chuckled.

I heard a knocking on the door. "Yeah you're right, I'm gonna call you back Bambi, must be them."

"Okay see ya."

"I'm coming!" I said, resting Summer down in her SLEEPER. "Coming right back pumpkin."

"Damn Brent just pound the door down." I said disabling the alarm pulling back the door.

"My bad I thought you and the baby was upstairs sleeping still." He said.

"Really? It's Sunday and it's like 2 in the afternoon Summer has been up since 10." He chuckled and I looked behind him to see Kaitlyn, pushing her father in a wheelchair. Well trying to push him.

"Oh my God, What happened to him? He seriously hurt himself that bad??" I asked stepping outside pulling my robe tighter and tying it.

"I told you he fell off the stage Phoebe. His knee, displaced. He hit it on the speaker before he fell."

"Oh my God." I said putting on my slippers, going to help Kaitlyn.

"Hey." August said lowly.

"Hey." I said back to him. "Hi Mama." I smiled kissing Kaitlyn's forehead.

She slightly mugged at me before she walked up the stairs going inside. "What's wrong with Kaitlyn?" I asked him.

"She mad about my injury, promised her I would've taken her out on the town after the Party. Then I promised not to break my promise. So she tight right now."

"Oh you a Brooklyn nigga now? Saying tight." I snorted. "Come on inside." I said when Brent came to help me lift the wheelchair inside.

"So what did the doctor say?" I began asking August, feeling the awkward surround us since we were just fighting yesterday. But Kaitlyn interrupted me.

"Where's Clem?" She asked folding her arms.

"I don't know honey, I took Summer and we went down the block and around the house looking for him but he hasn't shown up."

"Well why not?" She asked sounding rather distressed.

"I don't know. That's not like him."

She just stared at me, before she looked at her father.

"Summer's in the living room watching TV Kaitlyn." I told her and she glared at me like why was I telling her this.

"I know. I saw her and kissed her already." She said before she turned away from us dropping her suitcase in the middle of the floor, heading up the stairs.

The Tried and The True(August Alsina) (WLAD) Trilogy The Third ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now