19.[Where Things Begin To Crumble and He Loathes The Bits And Pieces]

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This is 5,000 and something words fam so Excuse errors. This chapter is very important. Since I've been updating back to back I guess I'll give y'all a break to catch up? Yay or nay?

Dedicated to 04_Aries.

[Phoebe—One Month Later]

"She's just going to give you a little shot pumpkin." I said calmly into her ear but she already knew what was up, the way she was looking at the doctor.

"It's going to be over right now." I said to her as her small toothless grin turned into a frown. "I can't watch."

"Look at me Summer, Quickest five seconds of ya' life." August said to her kissing her forehead and she moved her hands looking up at him.

"And there we go." The doctor said taking the needle out of her arm and Summer looked up at August as I held her down and she kicked her feet in the air and her brows deepened and thus the little cry began.

"Ohhkaaay Honey, see it wasn't that bad." I rocked her back and forth as she screeched the hospital room down.

"C'mere baybeh." August said taking her, pretending to cry with her to get her to calm down but this time that wasn't working. She had just gotten her vaccines. As much as I didn't want her to be in so much pain she had to get them back to back today as she made two months recently. She wasn't not taking this well.

August put his face unto her crying face, trying to calm her down. "I didn't think she would cry, she watched was smiling on the way here and when the needle went in her arm she was so calm."

Her doctor smiled. "It was only after the pain hit her she realized, hey I just got a shot." She chuckled. "A lot of babies are like that. She's tough still, other babies turn red."

"She didn't even cry that much when August and I took her to get her ears pierced. It was his idea. I wanted to wait until she turned four months. He said the earlier she gets it over with the better." I said and he smiled wiping her cheeks with her bib.

"You gucci now?" He asked her and she just stared at him with the meanest frown.

"She'll be fine. Bring her back in two weeks for her check up. How is she sleeping? How's the colic?" She asked, taking off her gloves.

"It's getting better, but as soon as 7 hits almost every nights she starts the crying, but her sleeping patterns are slowly getting longer."

"She's going to outgrow the colic but you have to be mindful that nobody really knows what causes it in every baby, it's just a newborn thing. Could be sensitivity to noise, her nervous system still developing or hormones that cause a fussy stomach."

"I read that it could be the breastmilk and formula milk. I haven't started her on any formula yet, I want to lose weight so all I'm giving her is breastmilk."

"That's great better for her, you may want to try and start weaning when she hits 3 and a half to four months, because that's the best time for her. AT that point they start to get to accustom to breastfeeding, you don't want her resist food."

I nodded. "Well okay. Thank You, Doctor." I said taking up the papers and Summer's vaccination card as August shook the doctors hand walking out behind me with a still whimpering Summer.

Brent got up from the waiting room walking behind us to the car. "Baby, Kaitlyn's Mini talent show is coming up in a week or so, did she tell you?" I asked him.

"Nah', she ain't say nuttin'. Ion think she talkin' to me."

"She's upset you haven't been home a lot lately. What's going on babe?" I asked him. "You've been busy the entire month.

The Tried and The True(August Alsina) (WLAD) Trilogy The Third ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now