39.[Where the Real is unmasked, and Reconciliation Commences]

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The Following Day

It was apparent to me now more than ever that August and I were becoming two very different people. Or maybe we always were but I never wanted to admit it, I adapted to who I thought he wanted me to be. Because I loved him.

If we practice pretense, we will become so comfortable with it that we begin to believe this is who we ought to be. If we practice being negative, we will find a fault with everything. Sometimes, we do know our true selves, all along. But, we get scared of unleashing it to our peers, enemies, the world, because once it is released we can't hide anymore.

"Summer so smart, she notices everything. I changed my body lotion the other night and she just would not lay under me like she usually does." I remarked, while eating lunch with Bambi and Bunny.

"I'm sorry Phoebe but you're deadass too much of a mommy for me sometimes. Like I don't know what it is, but on God you haven't talked about anything else besides Summer and Kaitlyn since we got here. "

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry Bunny, that I have responsibilities and being a mom is a full time job. You don't just have the kids and then give them back at some point after their born."

"I know , but can we talk about something else damn. We brought you on a lunch date to get away from those bad ass kids at your school." She paused and looked at her watch. "And you know you have to be back there in like 45 minutes."

I sighed, understanding that Bunny would never understand until she had children.

"What's wrong with you, why are so quiet?" Bunny nudged Bambi.


I chuckled hanging my hang.

"Um Hello, are you guys not telling me something here?"

"Yeah it's nothing, what happened with you and August last night...Brent said you looked upset when you came home. I wanted to call you but, I guess you probably wanted to be left alone."

I squinted my eyes at her. "Bunny, Bambi's been fucking the shit out of Brent in my house and thinks I doesn't know...and she wants to divert the real matter at hand to me and August's nonfunctional relationship."

Bunny shrieked. "You fucked Brent?"

"Really Phoebe. What's wrong with you? How do you know that?"

"You fucked Brent?" Bunny asked again staring head on at Bambi.

"Oh my God stop talking so loud Bunny, yes I did. Leave me alone."

"August told me, just how Brent seems to be telling you everything that happens between us. Brent is so full of it, he has a baby Bambi no bigger than Summer. He's just gonna hurt you." I told her.

"He has a baby?" Bambi asked, in such a small tone, before she took up her glass guzzling down her martini.

"Uh Oh..." Bunny said shaking her head, calling the waiter.

"I thought you knew. He has a baby with Heather."

"He never mentioned that." She uttered. "B--but I mean it's not like w'ere dating."

"Sweetie you like him..." Bunny said rubbing her shoulder. "You don't have to hide it. Why wouldn't he tell you. Men are just dogs, that's why i'm the way I am.....well was the sex good?"

I sucked my teeth. "Really Bunny?"

"What I can't ask....well was it?"

"Yeah, it was fricking amazing." Bambi sighed. " He's so sweet to me. I never had a guy that made love to me when it was just a fling. Like Brent and I were just playing around at first, but everything he does he does it with so much care." She paused, looking off into the distance. "It's like he knows my body better than I do." She scoffed resting her hand under her chin.

The Tried and The True(August Alsina) (WLAD) Trilogy The Third ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now