[37.Where He Is A Potter,Who Wants Her to Be The Clay]

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[Phoebe- The Next Morn]

"Daddy! Can you get my juice pleaseee." I rolled over in bed, getting up dragging on my robe. Looking out of the window I saw Kaitlyn struggling to carry grocery bags as August held Summer and a ring of groceries up on his other arm.

I chuckled shaking my head, pulling my fingers through the front of my hair going to meet them downstairs.

"Oh my God look at my Summer!" I cheesed seeing her in with her little sunglasses and hat on.

August smiled looking down at Summer, as I rushed to take her off of his shoulder so could put down the bags, but she held a firm grip on his shirt and I fluttered my lashes surprised.

He smiled. "Got baby girl all decked out."

"She looks so cute, where did you guys go?" I asked him as I followed them walking into the kitchen, beginning to unpack the groceries.

"We went to the mall and then mall." He said and Kailyn nodded, showing me her fingernails.

"I got my nails polished." She grinned. I held her fingers, staring a hole in August's face. "What? August why does she have a manicure?"

He chuckled, putting Summer in her high chair. "Yeah, I mean you let her get one for her birthday, what's the big deal?"

I sighed,ignoring the fact that he was absolutely right. "That was different, it was a special occasion. I don't want her to grow up too fast, that's all....its fine Aug." I said.

She and Summer both were just staring at us and I smiled. "Your father's birthday just came and left. He didn't even do anything for his birthday.

"Yeaaah that's what I said today." Kaitlyn added.

"Don't mean much to Daddy. I jus' be thankful to see another." He told Kaitlyn

I stood on my toes trying to reach Summer's baby bottles, struggling. "August, did you or Brent pack her bot---

I gasped when I felt him come up behind me helping me to reach her bottle. "I put um up here ion' even remember that you'd be too short."

I chuckled nervously, wondering if maybe somehow August's dick had grown into it's own person. I smiled pushing my hair behind my ears, as he handed the bottles to me.

"Stop smiling at me Phe, You don't want none of that." He smirked and my brows rose.

"How do you know what I want?" I asked him smartly, as Brent came into the kitchen.

"You right. I don't." He smiled taking Summer out of the high chair, sitting her in her walker.

"Kaitlyn, how about you take Summer into the den and watch some TV?" I smiled handing her a juice pouch.

"Okay." She said, pushing Summer along.

"Brent how are you today!" I said , adjusting my robe causing August to laugh and shake his head.

He looked confused. "I'm straight Phe. How y'all doing today, I see August is in the same room as you and y'all not fighting." He said shadily. "Progress."

I squinted my eyes at him. "Brent, why would you have sex with Bambi?" I asked him, skipping the small talk.

"Wh--what?" He stuttered and August choked on his water.

"August and I saw you. In the freaking wine cellar Brent! Bambi has been hurt before please don't tell me you slept with her and now you're going to ignore her. And what is it with you being attracted to my friends?"

The Tried and The True(August Alsina) (WLAD) Trilogy The Third ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now