15.[Where Things Are Enchanted And They Love Like Never Before]

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Finally updated huh? lol Excuse Errors. How amazing that Phoebe's Mother in the book sings the perfect song in the MM for this chapter. Listen and read.

[Phoebe---Moments Later]

"You okay Sweetheart?" August's Mother asked rubbing my shoulder.

I nodded slowly, leaning over to my side watching the Television as Kaitlyn tried to keep my mind away from the contractions. I was feeling sort of woozy.

"I can really feel a lot of pressure." I groaned as she put the covers over me some more.

"Well it's going to get better love." She tried to convince me but I wasn't trying to hear it.

"No it's not Mom, I can feel the baby's head like right here." I told her laying back into the pillow. "I want an epidural!" I shouted.

"Honey, you're only 3 centimeters dilated. The nurse already said she'll consider when you are at least 5 centimeters. And you have to remember what she said it could do to your blood pressure. You know how it has been through the pregnancy." She said .

"Right. You don't want any complications." August's mom chipped in.

I held unto the bar on the bed growling, clenching my teeth together. Why wasn't anybody listening to me. I was in so much pain.

"But it hurts. I can't do, this call Dr.Fiona." I whined.

She nodded. "She says she's going to get a flight and come but she doesn't know if she'll make it before you dilate completely."

I sulked. "Okay." She smiled kissing my forehead. "Everything's going to be fine sweetie."

"Gotta pray for a safe delivery." August's Mother said as well. And I just simply nodded pushing my head back onto the mountain of pillows supporting my back and head.

"Turn down the air please , I can feel it right through me." I said annoyed seeing that I already changed my clothes into the open backed gown and I was nude underneath.

"Another one." I mumbled reaching out for her to hold my hand but she refused and I tucked unto my side feeling the pain of the contractions besiege me.

"Oh my God. It hurts so bad Mommmmy." I whimpered and she came along patting my back.

"Oh I know honey. Hurts me to watch you in so much pain. It's gonna be over sooner than you know."

The door creaked open and in walks Meredith, smiling from ear to ear with a touch of coyness between in lips. "How's she doing?" She asks August's Mom and Averie didn't even let her reply.

"I called you almost a half hour ago." She told her and Meredith rolled her eyes at Mom.

"You think I want to miss anything here?  It's the traffic for Christ's sake. Give me a break." She said hovering over the bed kissing my cheek.

"Please don't start you guys." I murmured, drained emotionally, mentally and physically.

They subliminally rolled their eyes at one another , thinking I didn't notice.

"Brent , maybe you can call August again." I suggested and he looked up from the magazine and so did Kaitlyn from the television.

"I can't. He's restricted to limited calls." He said and I sighed.

"He said he was coming, I don't even know why I'm getting my hopes up because I know he can't." I sighed to myself knowing August was about to have an additional six months added.

"Maybe he's coming sweetheart, just relax." Mom said sitting on the bed next to me and I shook my head feeling really bittersweet.

"Did you guys bring the video camera. I wanted to tape it for him."

The Tried and The True(August Alsina) (WLAD) Trilogy The Third ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now