Chapter -36 This Time The Soul Will Die

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This Time The Soul Will Die

Aisha and Siddharth walked toward the school in complete silence. The warmth of the sun and the cool winds created a beautiful weather contrast. The streets were lively on the weekend and people were loitering around and shopping.

After a while, Siddharth stopped her by coming in front of her and saying,
"Look, you've asked not to question what happened today. Like you should know how curious I might be, yet, I'm giving you time. Good thing today, we won't spark again. But... That's too a question. But, okay! I'll not ask you about that but, can you tell me one thing? I had to ask you about it but, I just found no time."

Aisha had an expressionless face. With every step she had come forward, she drowned in a marsh from which she couldn't escape but can't even drown completely. She was stuck! There was confusion spread across her weary eyes and she was fumbling her hands. As she nodded her head, Siddharth spoke up.
"That day, when I returned, I saw something in your hand. A thing with which you enchanted us and later healed me. What was it?"

Taking a deep breath Aisha said,
"Yes! I said I would tell you about it. During this period when you all weren't here, I managed to make a poison. It can do anything and everything I desire."

Siddharth frowned and then ran his fingers through his soft black hair.
"Never heard about one such thing. However, how did you manage to make it, I mean we aren't trained in making poisons yet. It's just that we can only differentiate among the ingredients or extract them from different sources. That's also a nightmare for me. And if someone is too learned, then they could only do the setup... That too is a task!
As far as I know, we've just begun and you are saying that you've made one although we haven't yet studied the conclusion theory of poison-making. So, How?"

At a distance, there was a large tree with a pedestal surrounding it. Aisha indicated towards it and then they took a seat under the cool of the shade.
"I know! We haven't learned all that but, I just made it. I somehow knew what things I required for it, how much I needed to boil it, the measures, the timings and the result."

"And, where did you learn to make it?"

Aisha stole her eyes off his face, looking in the opposite direction.
'He burst open his heart in front of me. He told me everything. He trusted me... And so should I for once. He won't hate me or anything.'
Her heartbeat banged her chest before she could give the most inappropriate answer to a question.
"In my dream."

Siddharth turned completely toward her and tapped her shoulder with a shocked look.

Aisha couldn't manage to look at him when he said,
"Here, look at me!"

As she turned her face, her eyes met his beautiful gray eyes, bulging out of the holes since he was so shocked to even blink them.
"Yes! The process of making it was found in no books. I created it myself! I had a dream or rather I can call it a vision from now. I witnessed the workplace of some lady where the six ingredients were present. However, all I saw was the concluding second after which it turned grey and... I woke up!"

"Seriously Aisha? I mean, do you have such dreams? I swear they are worse to have than what I used to see. This is weirder than that."

She shook her head when he sighed and said,
"Hard to believe, but what all can it do? And... You must have taken some help right? Told the headmistress maybe?"

"No! I just created it...somehow! As I said, the process of making that poison was nowhere. Leave the process, such a poison was mentioned nowhere. So I made it all by myself with the reference to that single vision.
And, it's strong. It can do everything I want. Like, it can carry me and anyone else I want from one place to another and also can heal injuries. You know it.
Since the last incident, I have been staying away from the headmistress. It was on the day you returned that I talked to her or met her after a long time. I just... Am not sure of telling her about this."

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