Chapter -40 Don't Make Me Regret My Love

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Don't Make Me Regret My Love

The astronomy class ended. The children were all exhausted since astronomy was one subject that jumped over every head in the batch. The words escaping the mouth of the teacher hardly ever rang the eardrums of the sleepy students gaping at the books to understand anything they could.

The months had blown away like dry sand. The vacations became history and the students were soon to give their final examinations. Aisha had grown extremely fond of poisons and she had created all sorts of known poisons which could be useful to her. Moreover, she had a few brilliant and successful experiments in the poisoning field but she kept it to herself since this factor could affect her living license in the world.

Within the months, Aisha had taken a few cruel steps to straighten the path of her living. She had done things against the rules of the world like erasing the memories of people or making them unstable and weak by unfair means.

That makes sense if she wanted a peaceful life!

Ishan and his friends had forgotten things about the poison and the result of the cruelty they showed towards Swara and Rishab. Moreover, she had become the most popular girl in the school. Not because of her disability to do magic but the extreme attraction of people towards beauty. She was kind to everyone unless someone pinched her to be wild. She talked politely and developed listeners and followers. People loved to dip their heads in the melody of her tone. Boys used to gape at her, during classes and during the leisure time she spent in the library, garden and the canteen. It was for her that now the library had to be expanded to accommodate more chairs and space. She had a huge following since her batchmates and even the juniors and a few seniors considered her way of learning and asked for her help whenever needed. She had made her space!

In her little space, she had a lot of people who could never like her. Many girls used to stay jealous while all bookworm-type people were internally injured because of her reputation in academics. Aisha had to flee many times when some random people just comes over to her to fulfil their unfair desires. She had refused plenty of proposals decently and had broken a few bones but the office excused her since the reason she gave was valuable, 'self-defence'.
So she was the hot topic in the school for the past five months. And it was January now.

3 months ago-

"What do you think you are doing?"

The night was dark, misty and weirdly cold. There was a heavy, cosy blanket of clouds that draped the sky and the moon along with all its friends. There was a weird eeriness in the atmosphere as if it was yelling to confess something odd. But, the sound of nature reached no ears.

"I was planning to jump! Would you like to push me?"

The cliff was steep and what was under her legs hanging in the middle of the air was thousands of feet below. The dark valley. Aisha was sitting there calmly, resting her body on the hands she had placed behind herself and her feet swinging with the cool air on the tune she was humming.

"I would love to... But this is not where I would like to push you."

She smiled sarcastically, not even looking at him. Her chuckle was audible when she spoke.
"Oh, well, where would you like to push me then, Rishab Mahavanshi?"

He walked up to her and sat down next to her, looking at the vast landscape in front of them. Though he looked at her face twice or maybe thrice her gaze was fixed. She was looking at something, The Pillars. They were sitting on the cliff opposite the Pillars. But maybe she was looking at something behind the cliff. Maybe the volcanic hill. Maybe she was waiting, maybe she was telling him the updates he had been missing.

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