May 6, 2015 (Age: 14)

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Dear Diary, 

I'm going to try and get back into writing in my diary. I wanted to start a new journal because I didn't want to start from where I left off. I would like to be more mature. Before, all I would do is make short and almost useless entries. In this journal, I'm going to be just expressing my opinion on life or say what I am doing or where I'm at. I also do know that with every journal I had, on the first entry I would tell and explain who I am. If you haven't guessed, I'm not doing that. During the time of me not writing, I guess you can say I've changed and matured. I'm not going to make a cheesy list about things I do, don't like, love and more. You'll find that out as the years go by.

I don't completely know if my lack of writing is the cause of my maturity. Maybe, who knows. I've strongly noticed that when I was younger I would do daily entries, even if there is nothing to say. A long time ago, I would write anything. From school, crushes, random stories and my day. Also looking back, I learned that I would write as if I'm writing to another human and I would think or believe that they would respond.  

Except that human won't talk and is simply listening to my problems and opinions. I don't know why though. Maybe when I was writing, I would always be a happier kid. 

Why did I stop? I don't know.


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