January 23, 2017 (Age: 16)

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Dear Diary, 

Soo, I don't know if I should have an anxiety attack or be happy. I just got home cause Garrett and I just had our first date.. 

It was decently uneventful. I was really nervous before I left. When Garrett first picked me up, we went to Tim Hortons and he bought us some food. After that, he drove us to the river front and for around an hour and a half we just talked and listened to music. Then, to make everything eventful, his truck died. So Garrett had to call his grandpa to help boost his truck again. When the grandpa first arrived, he couldn't find the battery or something like that. So then as he left to go buy something, Garrett and I were in the truck. We were both cold (since its still winter) and he jokingly gestured for me to cuddle against him. And I did.. I have no idea why I did that, but I did. As we were cuddling he told me that I look beautiful and gorgeous. After, he told me that every compliment I can imagine he would be willing to tell me then added saying that all the compliments are true. Knowing me, I disagreed and said they're not true. Then we stopped cuddling, got his truck boosted and he drove me home. That was our date. 

Now when you think about all that, you'll wonder why I said I don't know if I should be having an anxiety attack or if I should be happy. Well, I'm still hesitant as to if I truly like Garrett. Plus with the whole thing/thoughts about me still liking Isaac, that kinda restricts me. It causes thoughts cause if Isaac and his new girlfriend break up, then we may be able to get back together, even though we shouldn't after what what he did to me. 
I have to go.


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