Chapter Four

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 Hey! <3

I know its been way over a week since I uploaded another chapter but I had an exam and this chapter is longer than the others.

Also if you want to go back to chapter 2 & 3, you can see a picture of Sienna and Tyler.

Enjoy :)


“What are you doing here, Tash?” Tyler asked leaning against the door frame, obviously annoyed by her presence.

“I could ask the same about her. I was passing by and I saw your car and I thought I could give you some company, but as I can see, you've already found some.” Natasha said, eyeing me with her blue eyes.

What do I do? Do I say something? Do I explain myself? Do I go walk out and leave them? Do I just go back inside? What should I do? Why am I getting so frustrated? They aren't even going out, so why do I care what she thinks? But, she is the one of the most popular girls in school and she could do anything she wants to make my life hell.

“Natasha, how many more times have I got to spell it out for you?” Tyler paced his next words slowly and carefully, making Natasha seem stupid, “We are not together any more. We broke up, and now there is no more us.” Those were some hurtful words.

“Just because there is no more us, doesn't mean we can't be friends.” Natasha paused and looked at me for a long second. I held her gaze until she turned to face Tyler again as she added, “I never knew you went for girls like her.

“Excuse me! Who the hell do you think you are? Just because you two are over, doesn't mean you have the right to say anything.” I raised my voice slightly, really pissed by her unwanted comment.

“What? You can't handle the truth? You can't deny that everyone has been talking about you and how pathetic your crush on him is.”

She was really make my blood boil and I wasn't allowing her to win anything.“I don't have a crush on him you bi-”

“Okay, okay girls. Cut it out! My house isn't the place to have an argument. As much as I enjoy cat fights- I really don't want to see one right now.” Tyler interrupted me.

Natasha would not move her gaze off of me and I was not letting go of my gaze on her. I fixated my hazel eyes and stared right into her light blue eyes to prove that I wasn't afraid of her. Tyler coughed, breaking the silence and causing us to look at him.

“I'm going to go. See you in school Tyler.” Natasha said to him, and walked out. When she got to her car she turned round again, sending me dirty looks.

“Bye!” I yelled, waving and giving her my most amusing smile. She got in her car and drove off.

“Sorry about her. She can be a real pain in the ass sometimes but don't let her ruin your day.” Tyler apologized turning round to look into my eyes.

“Whatever. I don't care about her. Can you take me home now?” I said walking through the living room door and taking my bag.

“It's not four yet and, don't you want to watch the movie?” He asked following me to the front door.

“No. I just want to go home.” I answered. It might have been the look on my face or my tone but he closed the front door without a word and unlocked his black chevrolet corvette car.

“I don't know where you live, so you have to give me directions.” He said as I buckled my seatbelt ready to experience another bad ride.

I didn't want to talk to him but I did want to go home, so I gave him the directions but we didn't speak about anything else. I only lived about ten minutes away from him which didn't please me at all. I think I need to sit down with my parents and talk about moving, because living this close to an idiot like him does not give me happy thoughts. It actually freaks me out. He pulled into my driveway and stopped the engine. From the corner of my eye, I saw him look at me, then look straight ahead and sigh. I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door. I put one leg out, ready to get out until Tyler spoke.

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