Chapter Thirteen

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He stumbled across the room, coming closer to me, but I walked slightly backwards keeping a distance from him.

“Why are you here? Are you waiting for someone?” he asked, never letting go of his smirk.

I gulped. “No. I was actually just leaving.”

“You're not leaving,” he told me, looking completely serious.

He was drunk, and I obviously pissed him off earlier which makes it ten times worse. Oh, let's not forget that he thinks I'm a slut. That makes it one hundred times worse.

“I really have to go –”

He closed his eyes, and shook his head, his ginger hair falling in his brown eyes. After staying a while with his eyes shut, he opened them and checked me out, starting from my legs and upwards.

When he was done, all he did was smile. For some other girls – like Natasha – that might make them feel hot but it made me feel weird. It almost made me feel like I was nothing – just something that he can play with.

I shivered at the thought and slowly starting backing away again.

“You know, I just had a vision...” he started, taking a few steps closer. “Do you wanna know what it was?”

I shook my head. Taking a few more steps backwards, I realized I had nowhere else to go now – I had hit a wall and there was no way of escape.

“If you're not going to let me explain, at least let me show you,” he grinned as widely as possible.

I shook my head once again. I became more than afraid. How was I going to get away from a drunken fool?

“You don't speak much, do you?” he asked, taking two steps towards me, and then stopping only to look around the room.

“You don't let me,” I said with a poker face on. I couldn't let him know I was scared because that would've given him an advantage.

“Speak,” he ordered, moving a little more closer.

“I'm leaving,” I stated and moved forward but I was still out of reach which was good.

He shook his head and put out a hand. “Yeah, I don't think that works well with me. You're staying here, got it?” He raised his voice.

I stared at him for a long moment. Was this guy for real? In a way I was scared but is he seriously ordering me? I'm not who I used to be any more, so I obviously don't like the way he's speaking to me let alone the way he's approaching me.

“Yeah, I don't think that works well with me! You're drunk and I don't want anything to do with you, got it?” I mimicked his voice.

After staring at his eyes for a good minute, I realized that he was completely weak. Especially, when he stumbled towards me nearly tripping over the ground.

Even though he was weak, I was still frightened so I moved slowly towards the door. When I was only two steps away from him, I decided to move to the right and if he tried to come closer I would push him and he would most probably fall.

Luckily I had planned the move before I made my way to the door, because he tried to pull me closer to him and thank God I managed to run to the door before he could follow.

As I pulled the door with force, someone behind the door pushed it harder than they were supposed to. Stumbling backwards, I was caught by cold hands.

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