Chapter Forty

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His hands grabbed my waist and pulled me even closer to him as his lips pressed down harder on mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and my hands were in his hair. The kiss suddenly turned into a deeper one, and it was more passionate than ever before.

But before it got too deep, someone was at the front door, knocking loudly.

I was the first to break the kiss but I did sort of regret it. By the time, Tyler had let go of my waist my mum had already opened the door.

I pushed Tyler further away from me and looked away from him, blushing furiously from our kiss.

My mum walked in with loads of shopping bags in her hands. “Tyler! How lovely! How have you been,” she said putting the bags on the counters, just to hug Tyler.

She raised her eyebrows up at me as she hugged Tyler and I shook my head because she probably thought we were back to normal.

And I guess that we should be back to normal – our friendship should be like before I guess, but it still isn't.

How do I believe Tyler isn't lying? And how do we stay friends when he said he liked me and just kissed me... but then, I did kiss him back.

I need to talk to Austin as soon as possible, but I don't know who to trust anymore.

“It's great to see you too. How have you been, how was work?” Tyler asked my mother, being very polite unlike his usual self.

My mum and Tyler got into a deep conversation whilst I was just standing there awkwardly, thinking to myself.

I should see Austin tomorrow or should I just call him? And I need to talk to Olivia to find out what she thinks.

It seems that everybody believes Tyler over Austin, so Tyler must be telling the truth, right? But maybe Tyler is just a really good liar?

“No, no, stay longer! Stay for dinner,” I heard my mum offer Tyler but Tyler insisted he had to leave.

“Sienna would love you to stay too,” my mum said unexpectedly.

“Mum! Tyler has to leave now let him go,” I said, leading the way to the front door.

I saw Tyler smirk at me as he passed me to get out the front door. “It was nice to see you again,” he shouted back at my mum who was in the corridor, near the living room.

I quickly slipped outside, leaving the front door open.

“Any more questions?” he asked me.

I shook my head. “Not for now. How are you getting home?”

“I just texted Aiden, he's gonna meet me down this street in two minutes, he was close by,” he explained. “You're so cute,” he added.

My smile turned into a confused expression. “What?”

“You were worrying about me,” he said.

“No, I wasn't. I was just wondering...” I hit him on the arm playfully but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me in closer.

He stared straight into my eyes before leaning in and giving me a quick kiss. He let go and started walking but when he turned round one last time to wave at me, I saw his genuine smile.

I couldn't help smiling even after Tyler had left.


“So you're going to talk to him today?” Olivia asked me one last time in the parking lot on Monday morning.

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