Chapter Thirty-Three

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“Well then. Let's go to the other room,” Tyler's dad said enthusiastically.

Dinner had been weird, for me anyways. Basically, Tyler's mum and dad has been excited to see me and they didn't show any sort of disapproval for me being Austin's date. Maybe they didn't know the reason why their son and Austin were not speaking anymore.

Anyways, Austin's dad kept on asking questions just like Austin warned he would do. He asked stuff about school and what subjects I took and weirdly enough, when I mentioned art, Austin's dad spoke to Tyler about how his work is going. Maybe he didn't know about Austin and Tyler either. Austin's mum wasn't there since she lives in New York and Mandy has decided to spend the evening with Ben instead of coming to the company's celebration party.

Tyler and Mia has been flirting throughout dinner. Sometimes they even got too touchy. But still, they flirted like... husband and wife.

Austin kept making conversations of his own with me since we didn't really want to engage with the rest of the table.

When we got up from the table, Austin grabbed my hand and led the way to the other room. He pulled me in closer to him as we took a seat on the front row. Tyler's dad and Austin's dad both sat in the middle of the front row. Tyler came and sat next to me and Mia sat on the other side of him. I sighed and pretended he wasn't there. The rest of the other people who has been on our table were sitting on the other end of the row.

Austin put his arm around my chair as the old man who had sold the company to Tyler's dad spoke on the stage.

“I am very proud and honoured to be invited here once again,” the old man began, speaking loud and clearly into the microphone stand. “Seeing the progress these two men have made...”

I zoned out of the speech the old man was giving since Tyler was purposely sighing and muttering under his breath.

“Can you stop?” I hissed at Tyler as the old man still spoke.

“Stop what?” Tyler smirked.

“The sighing and the muttering,” I whispered.

“This is boring though,” Tyler whispered back.

“What am I supposed to do? Just listen to him and shut up.”

“Let's get out of here?” Tyler said, but it sounded more like a question.

“I wouldn't leave anywhere with you,” I replied.

“If you could, you would,” Tyler said.

“But the thing is, I can get out of here, but I choose to do it without you.”

“You're lying,” Tyler smirked, sounding so sure of himself.

The truth is, I probably would want to leave with him but I won't admit it. Ever.

“I'm not.”

“I have to give a speech tonight,” Tyler told me randomly.

“Good for you,” I replied.

“Why you being like this?” Tyler asked me, whispering even lower than before.

“Like what?” I asked, pretending to be oblivious.

“Since when did you become stupid?” Tyler asked, sarcastically.

“Whatever, Tyler! Go talk to your girlfriend,” I said, pretending not to care.

Tyler's smirk grew even wider and I knew I shouldn't have said anything. “Oh, so it's about her.”

“No it isn't!” I replied to quickly. “Now shut up, everyone can hear us!”

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