Chapter Ten

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I cannot believe my mum let Tyler inside our house, but what's worse is that he will be eating dinner with us! Tyler did try to come speak to me but I had locked my door so even if he did try to open it, he couldn't.

I could hear the laughter and chatter between him, my mum and Lia. Who does he think he is, coming into my house and bascially owning the place? I still can't believe my mum won't hear me out. It was his fault the fight happened – well, partly his fault! I can understand if she let him in the house, but to invite him for dinner is just too much! I wonder what lie he told this time.

I heard someone struggle to open the door. Tyler just never gave up, did he? If he thought staying for dinner and invading my house was going to make me forgive him or fall in love with him, then he was way over being wrong.

“Sienna! Open the door!” My mother hissed. “Now!”

I got up to unlock the door, even though I didn't want to hear her lecture about how 'rude' I was being.

“What is wrong with you young lady?” My mum asked.

“Nothing,” I replied simply.

“You are being rude and it's rather pathetic,” she carried on, still whispering.

“I'm not being rude and even if I was he deserves it.”

“How? He's so sweet and lovely, I can't even begin to understand why you don't like him!”

“It's called acting, mum and he does a pretty good job of it.”

“I don't think anyone can act that well for so long. Anyways, I came to tell you that dinner is ready and the least you can do is come and eat,” she said getting up and opening the door.

“I'm not hungry,” I lied.

“Sienna, please don't make this difficult. He's staying for dinner and he will leave and who knows if he will ever come to visit you again,” she said before leaving.

I cannot believe he turned my mum against me! I can't even imagine what he must have said to Lia. I heard my stomach grumble as I made my way downstairs.

Tyler's head shot up when I entered the kitchen, and he smirked. In return, I frowned as I slid into a chair opposite him.

He let go of Lia's hand and turned around to fully face me, his signuture smirk never disappering.

“There you go!” my mum said plotting a plate infront of me.

I picked up fork and started eating. There was silence for the first two minutes and I could still feel Tyler's eyes on me which was making me uncomfortable. Tyler and my mum started talking about business and I was surprised to see how much Tyler knew.

“Sienna loves art. She see's it as a challenge with creativity,” my mum told Tyler.

“Same here. Art is only beautiful if you design it,” Tyler said.

“You take art as well?” my mum asked surprised.

“Yeah. Me and Sienna are in the same class. Didn't she tell you?” Both Tyler and my mum turned around to face me.

“Um... you never asked,” I replied sounding unsure.

“That's wonderful! You two have a lot in common!” my mum said enthusiastically.

“Tons!” I responded sarcastically.

“Twler likes parks!” Lia stated, food all over her mouth.

“That's great!”

“Sienna stop with the sarcasm!” my mum said.

“So, I just wanted to apologize for the whole thing that happened at the spring fest. I don't know what got over Natasha and I'm sorry I never stopped it and I'm even more sorry for sort of blaming you,” Tyler said before I could reply.

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