Chapter Five

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Helloooo <3

Okay, so after you read this chapter, read the little note I write at the end for my excuse as to why I haven’t uploaded over TWO WEEKS!!!

Anyways… I hope you enjoy the chapter though!!  


“Why are you here?” I asked, curious why Tyler was drawing in his free time.

“Unlike you I’m behind on coursework. Why are you here then? Are you stalking me?”

“Yes. I am stalking you because my life is so boring right now that I have nothing better to do than to follow the most irritating boy that I have ever met!” I answered his question sarcastically, but the last part I meant.

“Yes, baby, I love you too! And I know how you can’t control your feelings when I’m around,” he moved closer to me, showing me how breathtaking he is. I looked around me trying to find a way of escape, knowing that the longer I had a conversation with him, the more complicated this ‘relationship’ was going to get.

“So, I heard something about you today,” his stunning eyes looked serious and I wondered what it was, how bad it was.  Now, he had my full attention.

“What’s going on between you and Austin? I mean, I know it’s not my business but I don’t think you should really hang out with him, or whatever it is you guys are doing,” he said critically, judging something that doesn’t exist.

What is with this guy?

“Look, you don’t need to worry about me, I mean, me and Austin are barley friends. And even if we were, which we’re not really it doesn’t matter.” I told him honestly.

“Yeah, but I don’t want you near that guy. He’s not good for you. Please, just listen to me, stay away from him!” he nearly shouted. He’s practically lecturing me!

“Urmm, hello but who made you my father? Can’t I have friends? Oh wait wasn’t he your friend? Is this how you talk about your friends?” the questions just kept coming. I needed answers because I was angry, he can’t tell me who I can and can’t be friends with.

“Sienna, calm down! I’m only looking out for you. Don’t you trust me?” Oh God that puppy dog face came up and his beautiful emerald eyes sparkled. NO! Bad Sienna. You will not fall for this. Stand your ground. You don’t even like him.

“Don’t tell me to calm down. Who are you? My friend, my boyfriend! No! You can’t tell me who I can and cannot be friends with. You have no right. You don’t even know me!”

“Oh, yes, how stupid of me. Of course, Austin totally understands you! Obviously that’s why he randomly started talking to you when he sees that I am and when he’s heard the rumours! Surprise, Surprise!”

 “You know what; I don’t have to listen to this!” I don’t understand why he’s saying all this crap, so I got up to leave. Walking towards the playground, I heard Tyler calling my name.

“Sienna, please, wait!” he shouted after me and when he got close enough he tried to grab my wrist but I couldn’t let him see the tears in my eyes.

 “Sienna!” He seized my wrist with one hand and put his other muscular arm around my waist.

 “Tyler! Just go, please!” He can’t see me like this and honestly I didn’t even know why I was crying.  He moved closer to me, his face only a few centimetres from mine.

 “Sienna,” his soft lips moved closer to my ears as his sweet breath whispered my name. What is going on? Why is he so close? Why won’t he let me go?

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