Chapter Six (Pic of Natasha)

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“Oh my God,” Olivia said astonishingly. “He kissed you. He actually kissed you and you're complaining like a child! What's wrong with you, woman?”

“Didn't you hear anything?” I asked. “Someone saw us! That is NOT a good. I can just imagine the whole student body hating on me for a kiss which I never wanted. And who the hell said I liked the kiss?”

“You didn't have to say,” She wiggled both eyebrows at me.

I stared at her with my mouth slightly open, not knowing how to react to her stupid comment. “Shut up!” Was my best respond.

“If I were you, I wouldn't hide. I would make every single girl jealous and prove to them that you don't care what they think.”

“But I do care! I don't want people thinking I like him when I don't and a kiss isn't going to help my side of the case,” I stated.

“That ship sailed long time ago,” Olivia muttered jumping off my bed.

“Why is my life so screwed up?”

“You're mum said we could go shopping but we have to be back by six, so get your lazy ass up.” She said going to my mirror and applying lip gloss.

“Shopping for what?” I asked confused.

Olivia looked at me as if I was the dumbest person in the world, “Where have you been? We have to find dresses for the spring fest.”

“I'm not going though.”

“Yes you are.”




“Why? Even though me and Matt are going together, we'll hang out with you the whole night. So don't worry about not having a date.”

“It's not all about having a date.” I said.

“Is it about Tyler?” She asked, completely reading my thoughts. “If it is then you have nothing to worry about because I heard a few girls moan about how he turned them down for the festival because he wasn't going.”

“He turned down a group of girls?” I asked surprised how it didn't sound like him at all.

“He's head over heels for you,” She said in a sing-song voice.

“I really don't know what goes through you're head most of them time.”

“Are you ready?” Olivia asked me.

“Fine. Lets go,” I said picking up my bag.


“You should try this one,” Olivia said pointing to a plain mini black sequenced dress.

“I have something like that though. I'm still not sure weather I'm going and if I decide to go, I can just wear my dress that looks like that one,” I said pointing to the dress on the hanger.

“You are going and we aint leaving this place until you buy a dress.” Olivia protested.

After looking around the shop for ten minutes, Olivia bought a hot pink, mid-thigh dress and I bought a black mini dress with laced sleeves.

“Tomorrow someone is going to be surprised and shocked with you in that dress,” Olivia cheered winking at me, and instantly I knew who she was talking about.

“You said he wasn't coming!”

“I might have lied.” She smirked.

“You little-,” I stopped talking when I saw some-one walking towards us in the parking lot.

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