Chapter Fourteen

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Feeling depressed, upset and confused, I made my way to my home room.

I haven't spoken to Tyler, Austin or Olivia since Tyler's party and luckily I haven't seen Natasha either. I'm supposed to feel happy and relaxed now that Natasha isn't in my way. But I'm not.

Because it's not Natasha who's bothering me – it's Tyler.

Why did he have to appear in my life all of a sudden and make me feel... weird. Yes, I do feel weird because I don't even know what this feeling is. I don't know how I feel about Tyler and everything he's done to me all this time. The only person who probably knows how I feel and why I'm feeling this way is Olivia, but, when I entered my home room she weren't there. Which is weird because she's always in school before me.

I sat down in my usual seat and took out my phone. Olivia hasn't called or left me a text or anything, which I find extremely weird but I'm not going to freak out about it because she could walk in the door any minute.

However, I did receive a text from my mum saying that I need to pick up Lia again, now that I've finished my detention punishment.

“Sienna,” someone called from the doorway, and at first I thought it was just me imagining it.

“Hey! Sienna!” Again, the same person called me.

This time, I looked up, only to see a shining face.

I smiled awkwardly. “Hi.”

He took a few steps inside my home room with his hands inside his dark blue pocket jeans. He was sporting a white t-shirt underneath with a leather coat – as usual, he looked unbelievable breath-taking.

“I was just passing by and I thought I should just pop in and see how you're doing. You know... since we haven't spoken since Tyler's party.” Austin said.

I stood up and walked to him as I started speaking at the same time. “Yeah, I was just busy with stuff.. you know? And I really needed to clear my head.”

“Well, did you? Clear your head?” He half-smiled.

“Yep, I'm confident with what I feel now.” I told Austin.

But I lied – because I don't even know what I feel, let alone if I'm confident about it.

“I was gonna call you but I didn't have your number, so it was a little impossible,” he chuckled lightly.

I laughed along with him, not knowing what to do next. Is he asking for my number indirectly?

“So, how about giving me your number?” he stated the 'obvious', which I wasn't sure he was implying it in the first place.

I nodded and told him what my number was as he registered it on his phone.

“I have a free period this morning, but I don't know what I should do in that spare time,” Austin told me.

I shrugged. “Why don't you just hang out with some of your friends?”

“Most of them made plans and I can't be asked to go..”

I honestly didn't know what to say. I don't know any of his friends, so I can't exactly be like 'you should hang out with this person then'.

“ I was wondering if you would come with me and, you know, get to find out more about each other and stuff. Because Tyler's party wasn't the best place for that to happen, so I was thinking about going some place else?” Austin suggested, with a small smile planted on his face.

“I don't really know.. I mean I don't want to get in trouble. I really want to come with you but I can't afford to get in trouble again,” I told him, looking down at my feet whilst fidgeting. I really do want to get to know Austin a bit more, because he seems like a nice guy – better than Tyler – but I have to be careful in case I get in trouble again.

“You won't get in trouble.” he said, looking me in the eyes. “You can trust me.”

“I know I can trust you.”

“I'm not pressurizing you into anything, if you don't wanna come, just stay. I understand.”

I nodded. “You know what? I'm coming. Where are we going?”


Me and Austin headed over to the green field as the light shone down on the ground. It felt like deja vu all over again but with a different person. This time it wasn't Tyler who brought me to the park – it was Austin. His enemy. And I'm here with him.

Why do I care? Because, Tyler did something a few nights ago, which made me feel unusual and confused about him.

Am I supposed to feel this way? For all I know, he could've done it because he didn't like the ginger guy, Ron.

But something about his defensive attitude made me think otherwise. Made me think that maybe he did it because he cared – but I choose to ignore that option because I don't want it do be because he cares about me. He just can't care about me!

He's not like every guy. Tyler gets everyone and anyone he wants and without a doubt, he's a player. In other words, he shouldn't care about anyone because it's not normal and I can never be sure about Tyler.

One day he acts as if we're best buddy's and other days he acts as if we don't know each other. I guess, I act that way too but I have reasons behind my actions, for example the fight between me and Natasha was because of him. She started it because she thought something was going on between me and Tyler and Tyler did nothing to stop her.

“Do you want to go some place else or is this okay?” Austin asked, interrupting my train of thought.

“No. I'm fine here,” I smiled.

“So, wanna tell me anything new?”

“To be honest, there's nothing new. How about you tell me something new.. or old?” I suggested.

Me and Austin have been friends for a few weeks now, and until I became friends with him I didn't know him and Tyler were in an argument.

The most I knew about them, was that they were already friends when they both came to the school last year but I never knew they stopped being friends – and till this day I still don't know why they're not friends any more.

Maybe being here with Austin might get me some answers.

“What do you want to know?” Austin smirked.

A smile crept on my face. “Tell me about before you came to our school.”



Sorry for the late update but now that my exams are over, i'll try and upload a bit more frequently. :) Hope you enjoyed it though! <3

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