Chapter Forty-Five

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Tyler ditches Sienna at the beach party to hang around with an old friend called Natalie so Sienna takes a walk around the beach and Austin joins her and tries apologizing:

“It’s so obvious you like him, Sienna. It’s a shame he doesn’t see it because he’s too busy chasing other girls.”

“I don’t –” I began to deny but Austin stopped me mid-sentence.

“I’ll see you around – that’s if you accept my apology,” he said and walked off.

Should I even bother denying the fact that I like Tyler anymore?

~*~*~ CHAPTER 45 ~*~*~

I woke up feeling refreshed, awake and… happy.

I had to the whole weekend to myself where all I focused on was finals and just lazing about. I ignored any texts that I received from Tyler – I thought it would be better if I spoke to him once I had calmed down and thought about everything properly.

Olivia spent the majority of the weekend with Jay so I barely spoke to her either which was good in the sense that I needed to figure out what I’m feeling without her input since she’s always siding with Tyler. As for Austin, well, he didn’t text or call but I don’t blame him and I didn’t want to him to do that either. Like I said, I was happy that I spent this weekend alone with just my family.

I made an effort to school with my eyeliner and summer dress and after a long and thoughtful weekend, I decided I was going to not care anymore.

I know I said that all the time, but this time I meant it. I wasn’t going to ignore Tyler anymore because that’s me being childish, right? This is why I wasn’t going to ignore Austin either.

In fact, I was planning not to ignore either of them but I was also planning to not exactly be ‘friends’. I decided to be civil around them but not really friends.

I was in such a good mood that I decided to take my own car to school today! I texted Olivia telling her to not pick me up and that I’d see her in English this morning. Also, the fact that I was finishing my finals next week, made me even happier.

No-one can ruin my mood today. No-one.


“Someone’s bright and early today,” Olivia smirked as she walked into our English class, taking a seat next to me.

“I woke up feeling happy,” I laughed.

“And we all know how rare that is!” Olivia said jokingly. Although I actually agree with her that recently I have not been happy at all.

“How was your weekend?” Olivia asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2013 ⏰

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