Chapter Thirty-Six

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Tyler's punch sent Austin against a red car. Tyler moved forward for another punch in his stomach, causing Austin to moan in pain.

The whole student body was surrounding us four now as Tyler turned around to walk off.

His eyes laid on me and for a second his eyes seemed to soften but it didn't last long. He nearly made it past the crowd but, without realization, Austin pushed Tyler forward nearly tripping him over.

“What the hell man?!” Austin shouted at Tyler as he turned round.

Tyler pushed Austin back. Tyler shook his head at Austin's comment and pushed him in the face.

Austin laid a fist on Tyler's left cheek which Tyler returned with another punch.

The crowd cheered happily – some cheered Austin's name, others cheered Tyler's name.

Tyler pushed Austin further onto the same red car, giving him another punch.

“Get off my car!” A girl screamed from behind me somewhere.

I was too shocked to move or say anything. After all this hatred, they finally let it out but in the wrong place and at the wrong time. Olivia came by my side and whispered in my ear. “You need to stop this. They're fighting over you.”

But they weren't fighting over me, they were fighting because of me.

If I was smart enough, I would've just kept out of their problems but I didn't and this is where it got them.

I saw Austin punch him back but I could barely see anything anymore because the crowd behind me just got bigger and louder. I got pushed at the back of the crowd as more people got closer to see them fight.

“Move!” I heard Aiden shout through the crowd as Matt followed behind.

“Why are they fighting?” Natasha asked completely shocked.

“Austin kissed Sienna,” Olivia quickly filled her in, still looking in through the crowd. “In front of Tyler.”

Natasha gasped. “What an idiot! He did it on purpose!”

“Stop! Just leave it!” I heard Aiden shout grabbing Austin from the back.

But Austin didn't let that stop him. He lunged forward, ready to hit Tyler again but Tyler dodged it and punched him instead.

Matt came in between Austin and Tyler as Aiden pushed Austin backwards so he was further away from Tyler.

The crowd kept on cheering.

“Hit him back!” Someone shouted.

“C'mon Tyler!” Someone else shouted.

“Let's go,” Aiden mouthed to Tyler but Tyler didn't seem to be finished with Austin.

He pushed passed Aiden and Matt only for his fist to collide with Austin's eye.

Austin punched Tyler in the stomach but Tyler forcefully pushed him on the red car again.

Aiden ran up and pushed Tyler backwards. Just then, two seniors came up through the crowd. Well, they're a bit late, aren't they?

“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!” The principle shouted from the gates as he walked up to the crowd.

“MOVE!” He shouted and the big crowd moved backwards, letting the principle come head to head with the six boys.

“THE SIX OF YOU, IN MY OFFICE – NOW!” He shouted at them.

Everyone returned back to their cars as they watched the enemies walk back through the school gates.

I walked up to my car but Olivia called after me. “Where are you going?”

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