Chapter Thirty

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On Wednesday, I barely saw Tyler apart from when he came to our home room to tell me when he and Mandy were coming to pick me up today, which was at six thirty.

And as for Austin, he didn’t even come into school but I was texting him during the day – and it seemed like he wasn’t in today either.

“What are you going to wear?” Olivia asked me eagerly.

“Clothes,” I said, sarcastically. “Probably what I’m wearing right now.”

I was wearing shorts and a plain, white quarter length, off-the-shoulder top with a simple long heart necklace around it and some bracelets. I thought it was casual and I didn’t want to change into something else because I don’t want anyone to think I’m trying to impress Tyler or something.

“Did you forget you’re going out for dinner too?” Olivia said matter-of-factly.   

“Must have slipped my mind,” I replied sarcastically.

“Seriously Sienna, make more of the effort! I know he’s making an effort!”

“We’re only going as friends, so it doesn’t matter if I wear something casual like this,” I pointed out.

Olivia sighed. “I’m coming round yours today after school to pick you an outfit.”

I groaned but didn’t bother arguing since I knew she wouldn’t listen to me anyways. Instead, we just walked to our English class, which just happened to be the last lesson.


When we got to my house, Olivia ran immediately to my room, already trying to pick out my outfit. Seeing as I wasn’t that excited as she was, I went to the kitchen to get us some food. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t slightly excited, because I was, but I’d be an even bigger liar if I said I wasn’t nervous.

I threw Olivia her crisps, chocolate and drink but she totally ignored me as she looked through my wardrobe.

“All your outfits are either too casual or too much,” Olivia said to herself.

“I’m telling you – it’s okay if I end up going like this!”

Olivia shook her head. “Try this on,” she threw a black high-waisted mini skirt and a yellow tank top.

“I can’t be bothered,” I complained.

Olivia gave me a stern look. “Just do it.”


Before she left, she made me re-fresh my make-up and told me that I had to wear either the skirt with the yellow top or skinny jeans and this white formal-y kind of shirt. I chose the skinny jeans outfit but I could tell she wanted me to wear the skirt outfit.

When Mandy and Tyler arrived, only Mandy came up to our house and Tyler stayed inside the car. My mum opened the door and I could hear her, from upstairs, insisted they came in for a bit, but Mandy told her it took about half an hour to get to this restaurant we were going to.

“Hey Sienna,” Mandy smiled, as I came down the stairs. I took in what she was wearing and surely enough she was wearing something which wasn’t casual. She had a black mini dress on, paired with heels and a light cardigan.

I could tell she was looking at my outfit as I spoke. “Hey, you ready to go?”

“I am but you’re not,” she laughed and went up the stairs, signalling for me to follow her.

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” I asked unsure.

“Pick out something else,” Mandy said.

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