Chapter Twelve

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“There it is,” I pointed out to one of the biggest houses on the street.

“How do you know?” Austin questioned suspiciously.

I can't let Austin know I've been to Tyler's house before. I don't want him to think that I actually like him or anything like that. “There's people in the back garden and there's quite a lot of cars on the street which could only mean one thing... a party.”

“Right,” he nodded, as he pulled a into a free parking space.

“Why are we here again?” Austin asked.

“Tyler doesn't like it,” I simply responded.

“Okay...” I could tell he was still confused.

“He walks all over us – even you, so coming here will show him we don't care what he says or does,” I told him going into more detail before we were at the porch.

He nodded again, before knocking on the door. Do we even need to knock? Can anyone even hear it?

But my questions were answered when Tyler opened the door with a can of beer in his left hand. When his eyes landed on us, his joyful self turned into a confused expression. “Why are you here?”

Me and Austin exchange glances at each other. He must be drunk since he doesn't know why we're here.

“You invited us,” I spoke up. Did he really mean to invite us though?

He paused for a second, looking at us with suspicion before shrugging. “Okay.” He said, leaving the door open as he walked to his living room.

The last time I was here, it was way more cleaner and peaceful. Even though there was a party going on, everything seemed to be in it's place, just the way I remember it.

“He wasn't angry about us being here,” Austin pointed out the obvious.

"I think he's drunk.”

“Nah, Tyler doesn't get drunk at the beginning of a party and he definitely doesn't get drunk at his party – he has to make sure everything's in it's place.”

“He didn't seem sober,” I said.

“Trust me, he is.”

I recognized some people from my year and some seniors but I had no idea who anyone else was.

Someone barged into me, just as I was following Austin to the kitchen.

“Sorry!” The ginger guy, who I didn't know, shouted.

I ignored him before following Austin out.

“Hey!” The ginger guy shouted. Again I ignored him, because I knew he was drunk and I didn't want to listen him.

“I'm calling you,” he slurred, grabbing my arm and making me face him.

“Let go of me!”

He looks me up and down, taking in my high-waisted black shorts and red top. “You're hot!” he slurred again, making me feel uncomfortable.

Trying to escape from his grasp, he drops his drink which got him even more angry. He muttered a few swear words before looking at me, with anger in his eyes.

“What's wrong with you?” He shouts.

“I-I'm sorry. I'll get you another one,” I said taking a few step backwards, but hardly getting anywhere since people kept pushing me forward and side to side.

“I don't want another drink!” He exclaimed.

I didn't say anything. I tried to look confident and not scared but I'm not sure if that worked well enough since he smirked. I could see his eyes burning with passion.

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