Chapter Twenty-Three

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  • Dedicated to @Blerona_Zemer (on twitter)

I groaned for the fifth hundredth time as I repeated myself for the fifth hundredth time. “When will you get it, Tyler?” I said, looking at him straight in the eyes. “Not everyone likes you.”

Tyler smirked as he walked me to my chemistry lesson. “I just don't understand why they wouldn't.”

“But why would they?” I interrogated Tyler into thinking of a good reason why anyone would actually like him.

He rubbed his chin as if he was actually thinking, when we all know that he knows what to say. “Well, I'm hot. I'm smart, I can make you laugh, I can look after you, I can take care of you, I am better than anyone you've ever seen, I can be a gentleman, I'm – ”

I interrupted Tyler's long list of why people like him. “I get it! Now please shut up.”

“Sienna!” Olivia shouted my name from across the corridor. Both me and Tyler turned around to see her beaming face.

“Oh, hi Tyler,” she said, greeting him and shooting a wink towards me which I replied with a small smile as I shook my head. It's nothing of what she thinks it is. It's not even close to it. We're just friends who had lunch together and was now walking me to my lesson. Nothing more. Even though I secretly wanted it to be, I know it wasn't.

“What are you guys doing?” Olivia asked.

“Walking to lesson,” I said, before Tyler had a chance to say something stupid.

Olivia raised her eyebrows. “Really?”

“Sienna wishes it was more than that,” Tyler said, winking which in return made my heart skip a beat.

Olivia laughed as she replied back to Tyler. “Or is it you who wishes it was more than that?”

Tyler put a hand on a locker, looking laid back as he said. “Like I was saying to Sienna, people like me, I don't necessarily like them back.”

“But you'd make an exception for Sienna, right?” Olivia said, patronizing the good-looking idiot beside me.

“Yeah, I would,” Tyler said looking at me and wiggling his eyebrows.

I pushed him slightly which made him crash lightly into the lockers. “Whatever, Tyler.”

Olivia stared at us with sparkling eyes.

“Did you do the English homework?” I asked Olivia, since I hadn't done it and we both had English last lesson, and I also needed to copy her work if she had done it.

“That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I'm going for the last two lessons so just tell Miss that I'm sick so I went home,” Olivia told me.

“Where you going?” I asked, curious.

“Jay said it was a surprise, so I don't know.”

“Jay, huh?” This time it was my turn to wink at her and nudge her slightly.

“Jay, huh?” Tyler repeated after me, which caused Olivia to laugh and nod her head.

“So are you guys going out?” Tyler asked Olivia.

“Nope.” She replied simply.

“They're just 'flirting friends',” I told him making air quotations with my fingers.

“Just think of it like Sie-” Olivia began but I quickly interrupted her. “Just like... Stephanie... and Aiden,” I said, before Olivia could speak any further.

I didn't want Tyler to know that we talk about him, even though he probably already knows, I didn't want him to get any further ideas.

Tyler looked confused. “But they don't flirt.”

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