Chapter Eighteen

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“I saw them. They were kissing right in front of me! It was horrific! I thought he was the one, Sienna – I actually thought he was the one. But he ended up being like everyone else. Just like all the others. Do you know what's worse? It was with Natasha! It was with the one person I hated the most and he knew it. But that didn't stop him. I mean, why would it? Like, I know she's hot, but her personality sucks and me and him...well, that's when everything was perfect. Or so I thought...”

I saw tears slide down her cheeks as she stopped explaining.

“He was drunk, right?” I asked unsure, but still hoping that would make a difference.

She nodded and wiped her tears away. “Doesn't make a difference, does it?

“Maybe he didn't know what he was doing?” I said, but it came out more as a question rather than a statement.

“He should've known. And he should've ran after me but he didn't. He stayed there with her.”

“Has he tried speaking to you?” I asked, feeling her pain even though I know I probably haven't felt this way.

She nodded in reply, her voice sounding shaky when she spoke. “He came to my house this morning, but I didn't open the door and then he called me, which I didn't answer. Then he texted me later saying how sorry he was and he never meant to hurt me and that maybe it was meant to happen.”

I stood up from my bed and walked over to my brown messy desk. I took out a little pad which said 'random stuff''. I kept every random thing in here that meant something to me and most of those things were quotes – me and Olivia wrote some together.

“Maybe this was meant to happen. Obviously not this way. I don't want to see you get hurt, Olivia because you're like my sister, but maybe this was meant to happen.” I held out the 'random stuff' pad. “Remember this? We wrote random quotes and other stuff which we could relate to then and I know we can relate to some right now.”

Olivia took the mini pad and flipped through as she looked back up at me. “I don't understand.”

I smiled. “If you read some of these quotes then you'll understand.” I took the pad from her and flipped to a page which had the perfect quote in there for this situation. “Do you remember when me and Greyson broke up and I was quite upset. You told me a quote which was once said and then I wrote it down here. 'I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.' Maybe something better is coming your way.”

She sighed. “You're right. I know you're right and all I'm doing is making it worse for myself. I should let him go now. After all, he was the one who hurt me and if he even cared the littlest bit, he would be calling right now, but he's not.” She smiled and got up to the mirror to wipe off the make-up all over her cheeks. “I just needed to cry it out. I'm already over it!”

I laughed. “You sure?”

Olivia nodded and laughed. “I look like a mess! I can't believe I came here when I could've just cried at home.”

“Yeah but sometimes you need a friend.”

Olivia turned around and faced me. “Thanks. You really helped me. And to know that we both hate the same girl for stealing our man, well, it makes it even better! Including the fact that you really know how to make me smile again.”

I got up to stand near her. “What are friends for? And I hate Natasha because she hates me not because she stole 'my man'.”

After all the tears and the big heartbreak, Olivia smiled and this time her eyes met the smile. “She got Tyler but, correct me if I'm wrong, you're back in the game.”

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