Chapter Thirty-Seven

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“The truth is, I didn't really need to get anything but I just thought that you spending more time with Austin wasn't very smart right now,” Olivia admitted as we strolled around a shop.

Olivia said that she was going to be meeting up with Jay but like she just said, she didn't need to buy anything. She just didn't want me spending time with Austin.

“I don't understand. Tyler obviously doesn't want to know me any more and he won't tell me his side of the story, so why should I bother with him? Why should I not spend more time with Austin?” I told her in frustration.

The truth is, all of this 'drama' is bothering me.

First of all, neither of them tell me anything to do with their fight. Then, Austin willing tells me and then they fight, not just verbally, but physically.

“Tyler likes you, Sienna! He was obviously angry yesterday because if you went up to him any other day, he would've talked to you,” Olivia re-assured me as we walked out of the store.

“I did ask him what happened between him and Austin before, but he never told me,” I pointed out. “And besides, all he would do is lie about the situation and make me believe him.”

Olivia let out a sarcastic laugh. “Has Austin really gotten into your head?”

“What do you mean?”

“Ever since you and Austin became friends, you started doubting Tyler in everything. You're not giving Tyler the same chance you gave Austin,” Olivia explained.

She's right, I wasn't giving Tyler the same chance. But I knew Tyler way before Austin, so why couldn't he just tell me what happened between them? The only explanation I can think of is that he was in the wrong, so he obviously doesn't want to admit anything.

“I-I, well, I know what type of person Tyler is...” I left the sentence hanging, hoping that Olivia understood what I meant.

“Austin isn't a player then?” she raised her eyebrows at me.

I didn't know how to answer that because I don't know much about his 'relationship' life, but he's not as bad as Tyler. He's probably been in many relationships, but not like Tyler.

“You don't know, do you?” Olivia persisted. “Maybe Tyler isn't lying?”

I sighed deeply. “Can we please stop talking about this now?”

“I want coffee,” Olivia randomly stated. “Starbucks?”


“Don't look, but I can see Tyler,” Olivia said as we sat down on a two seated table in the far corner of Starbucks. My back was facing the rest of starbucks, so I couldn't see anyone apart from Olivia who was opposite me.

I turn around to see Tyler with a friend of his, ordering whatever they were ordering.

“I said don't turn around, yet you still did,” Olivia laughed.

“What does he want here?”

“What do people do at Starbucks?” Olivia smiled.

“Try not to make eye-contact with him, alright?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Olivia replied sarcastically.

Olivia briefly looked over at Tyler and his friend every few seconds.

“I need the toilet, I'll be back,” Olivia said standing up and leaving all of her things at our table.

“Great. If Tyler comes anywhere near me, I swear I'll...” I started muttering under my breath until I heard a chair scrape, and Tyler's laugh.

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