Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Still feeling dizzy from what just happened, I finally made my way downstairs after a few minutes Tyler left from my room. I walked into the dining room not feeling hungry at all. Everyone’s heads turned round to watch me sit down and all I did was smile at them but I didn’t look at Tyler.

“What were you doing?” my mum asked, trying not to sound annoyed. “You were gone longer than I thought.”

“Yeah… erm… Olivia called me,” I lied, still not looking towards Tyler but I could feel his gaze on me.

“What did she need?” my mum asked.

“Oh nothing really. Just wanted to know if I could help her with some homework but I told her we had guests,” I lied again.

“Did you tell her who?” Tyler asked.

I looked down at my food, playing around with it. “Nope, she didn’t ask.”

Everyone managed to make another conversation whilst I was still thinking about how to get over that stupid kiss.

This was the second time we had kissed. This one, however, was different. This time, I know that I like him and kissing him doesn’t help the feelings disappear. Doesn’t he feel weird? Sitting in front of me and smirking as if nothing had just happened? I was going to have to get over this, especially for now.


After dinner, everyone had gone to the living room, whilst I stayed in the kitchen to do the dishes. My mum had told me I didn’t need to do them but I had insisted since I didn’t want to be there with Tyler watching me and making me feel uncomfortable.

“Do you not like us?” A smiling Mandy said as she appeared in the kitchen door frame. “I mean, you barely spent time with us.”

“No, no – I don’t hate you guys, it’s just I thought I should do these for my mum. I was gonna come in a minute anyways; I’m nearly done.”

“I was joking,” she said, taking a seat on our kitchen chairs around the table. “Oh here comes Tyler.”

I turned around to find a perfect person standing before me.

“What you guys up to?” he asked.

“Nothing, was about to ask Sienna questions but you came along,” his sister laughed.

I had just finished washing the dishes and I was about to turn around and finally face Tyler properly till I heard my mum call me.

“Yeah?” I said as I came into view in the living room.

“Can you please check up on Lia upstairs?”

I nodded and ran up the stairs only to find Lia sleeping soundlessly. I quickly went to my room and got my phone with me. I needed my phone in case Tyler said something stupid in front of Mandy and my phone would be the distraction.

“Where’d you go?” Mandy asked, as I took a seat next to Tyler which was opposite Mandy.

“I just had to check up on Lia,” I told them.

“You weren’t kidding when you said Lia liked you,” Mandy laughed, looking at her brother.

I looked up at them in confusion.

“Tyler was just telling me how Lia actually liked him, a few weeks ago,” Mandy explained.

I raised my eyebrows up at them and nodded slightly. Does that mean Tyler talked about me? My insides did a little dance at the thought of that.

My phone started buzzing and I looked at it, only to see a text from Austin.

I’m coming back Sunday, so I’ll be in for school. Anything interesting happen whilst I was gone? I hope you haven’t replaced your senior bestie ;)

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