Chapter Twenty-Nine

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“So can you come on Thursday?” Tyler asked me during home room. He decided to visit me and Olivia today, because he said he was too early to school and no-one was in his home room.

I nodded my head. “Yup, unless my mum changed her mind.”

“Great. So, I’ll pick you up around six-ish and Mandy said we could eat out before watching the movie,” Tyler informed me.

I just heard the news about eating out as well as watching the movie, and I just hoped things wouldn’t go wrong and we could actually all have a nice night out.

“Another date?” Olivia smiled.

Tyler nodded as if it was true. “Have to keep Sienna satisfied.”

Olivia and Tyler laughed as I just sat there, glaring at both of them. “Will you both just shut up? You know it’s not a date. His sister is coming along with us,” I told them once again.

“You’re really good at lying on the spot,” Olivia laughed.

“It’s just me and Sienna,” Tyler said.

“I won’t come then,” I told him, staring him straight in the eye.

“Babe, that hurt me,” Tyler teased, pretending to be hurt. “Anyways, I’m off.”

“You don’t want to stay with Sienna?” Olivia asked, smirking.

“I’ll spend forever with her, but right now I have to go. I don’t want to be late,” he waved us off and left the room.

I narrowed my eyes at Olivia as she couldn’t help but laugh and jump in her seat.

“He said, he’ll spend forever with you! How damn romantic is that?!” she squealed.

I shook my head. “I thought you knew better! He speaks crap!”

“I think that he’s speaking honestly,” she said, sighing.

“Doubt it,” I said, before the bell rang and everyone else entered our home room.


I felt an arm go around my shoulder, as I walked to the canteen for lunch, and I instantly pushed it off. When I turned around to see whose arm it belonged to, I was surprised to see Austin.

“No need to be so aggressive,” Austin laughed, his grey eyes sparkling in the sun.

“Sorry, I didn’t know who it was,” I blushed, as we both started walking again.

“Does that mean I can put my arm around you, now that you know it was me?” Austin smirked.

I laughed. “No.”

“For a minute there I thought I had a chance,” Austin winked, which caused me to blush again and look at the ground.

“What do you mean?” I asked, trying to sound casual.

“It’s hard to get a pretty girl like you,” he said.

I gave a shaky laugh. As if he was ever interested in me? Could he be? No. It’s not possible.

“Whatever,” I said, trying to change the subject. “Have you applied to any colleges?”

“Yeah, quite a few. I’m still waiting for replies though,” he told me.

“I’m sure you’ll hear soon,” I reassured him.

“I hope so, I just want to hurry up and go college,” he said.

“Where did you apply?”

“Everywhere,” he laughed humourlessly.

“Sienna!” I heard someone call me name as we entered the canteen and surely enough it was Olivia… standing next to Tyler.

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