Chapter Sixteen

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I kept my head low whilst walking in class late. Ignoring the eyes on me, I made my way to the back of the classroom where I expected to see Olivia sitting there waiting for me – only to find she wasn't there.

I noiselessly threw my bag on the singular brown table and decided to quickly text Olivia saying; Heyy :) what happened to u today? Is something wrong??

Then I went back to my texts and remembered that I needed to text Austin back, this time saying; Of course I had fun! And we should definitely do that again :D

Even though my eyes were stuck on the white-board where my English teacher was trying to explain something, my mind was busy some place else. That place was somewhere I try avoiding a lot – Tyler.

No matter how much I try and ignore him, I can't. And the only reason I can think of so far is because he's annoying. But something is urging me to think that maybe it's not because he's annoying. Maybe it's because he's sweet, funny, narcissistic, a flirt, hot, unpredictable, loving, handsome and maybe it's because he's caring. But then again, he is annoying. And above all the stupid things he does – I always forgive him, always end up talking to him even when I try and ignore him.

     Remembering our past encounters, I smile stupidly. Thinking about the time when he would make unnecessary comments which would make me laugh in our art lessons.

Thinking about when I ended up going to his house, and watching the Notebook.

Thinking about when he treated Lia like he actually likes children when we all know he doesn't.

Thinking about when he came to my house and made a good impression to my parents.

Thinking about his party and when he stood up for me against Ron.

Thinking about earlier on today. 

      My mind drifted off from the good moments to the confusing moments. When he wouldn't tell anyone to shut up when they would make stupid comments about us being together.

When he would ask me about Austin and not tell me why he doesn't like him.

When he would tell me he doesn't like Natasha, yet he would kiss her randomly and we would end up fighting over him even though that's not what I wanted.

Tyler acting hot and cold when he wants is confusing full stop. But what I don't get is why? Why does he do it?

Just thinking about Tyler, made me think about what Austin said today. About how they used to go to the same school, and how they were family friends and how their dads owned a company together. Then when something bad happened whilst they were moving here, Austin decided to go to his mothers house in New York, which explains why he came a few weeks later after Tyler. But I still want to know why him and Tyler don't speak any more. This obviously means that I'm getting more and more curious about their weird friendship.

I heard my phone vibrate in my bag just as soon as the bell rang. Whilst exiting the classroom and heading to the canteen I looked at my text. It was from a number which I didn't recognize.

Hey there beautiful :)

Because I didn't know how the text was from, I decided to text back saying;

Who is this?

Only a few seconds later I received a text from the same number, this time saying;

Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise ;)

Frowning at the text, I shoved it in my pocket and looked around the canteen, trying to find someone – anyone.

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