Chapter Forty-Four

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“It'll be fun! Cheer up!” Olivia said as we drove to the beach.

I grunted. “Sure it will.”

“We're not going to turn back now,” she said.

“I wasn't suggesting it but it would be nice,” I sighed. “I just don't want to face Tyler. I can't be bothered to listen to him lie.”

“He's not going to lie,” Olivia re-assured me. “Please try to be happier!”

I showed her my biggest grin and nodded.

“Okay, don't smile that much you might scare someone,” she laughed.


I sat down on the sand as I watched people talk to each other and frolic in the sea.

I should've worn jeans instead of shorts because it was freezing. I crossed my legs, and examined everyone's excitement and happiness.

I felt like a depressed fool. Why was I not happy? Why wasn't I socialising with others?

Because of a guy. That's pathetic. Tyler was basically determining how I acted without even doing anything.

And I really badly wanted it to stop.

Speaking of the devil, I saw him walking up from a group of friends. “Are you ignoring me?” Tyler asked, staring down at me.

I shook my head. “Why would I?”

“That's what I'm trying to figure out,” he replied looking confused.

So, he doesn't even know why I am ignoring him. And I know I just lied and said I wasn't ignoring him, but I don't want him to know I was upset if he doesn't have a clue as to why I would even ignore him.

“It's nothing,” I told him. “I've been busy revising for finals anyways.”

“Wasn't this our double date?” he smirked and sat down in front of me.

A gust of wind blew, lifting my hair off of my face. “Not at all.”

“Then why are you trying to hold back a smile?” he laughed.

“This is not a double date,” I said trying to keep a straight face.

“Why are you trying to deny it!”

“There's nothing to deny!” I persisted.

“If we go on a date tomorrow night, then there might be something to deny,” he winked. “Though I doubt that you'll be denying anything after the date!”

“Hm yeah,” I replied sarcastically.

“Yes? So you'll go on a date tomorrow?”


“But you said yes?”

“I said it in a sarcastic way,” I told him. “And I bet there would be plenty to dislike,” I added.

“That's funny because it's usually the girls that want the second date and not me,” Tyler smirked.

“Is that so?”

“And you'd be one of those girls,” he added.

“That's very unlikely seeing as I won't even go on one date with you,” I smiled.

“So you're rejecting me?” he asked, faking a hurt tone. “Again?”

“Looks like it,” I laughed.

And this is the part I hated the most. I was being so moody until he came along and made me laugh again.

“Oh my god! He's there!” I heard a girl squeal from behind me.

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