Chapter Thirty-One

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Tyler, Mandy and Ben erupted with laughter, gaining attention from the other tables nearby – including Austin’s table. He had finally noticed that we were dining at the same restaurant and when he had caught be looking at their table, and I had smiled, he didn’t smile back. Instead, he just looked down at his food and pretended not to see me. That made me feel even worse.

“Have you finished?” Tyler asked me, as I took the last bite out of my chocolate cake desert.

“Yeah, can we leave now?” I asked.

The waiter that had served us came to our table and Tyler paid him. I didn’t bother flirting or anything like that with the waiter after Austin had come in.

We all got up to leave but Mandy ended up going the other way from the front door. “I need to go toilet really quickly,” she said. “You coming?” she asked, looking at me.

I quickly glanced at Austin and looked back at Mandy. If I went toilet, that meant that I would have to pass Austin’s table. “I’ll just wait outside with these guys,” I told her.

She shrugged and carried on walking. Me, Tyler and Ben made our way outside the restaurant.

“You okay?” Tyler asked as we waited outside for Mandy.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” I replied, but I knew what Tyler meant when he asked if I was okay. He meant if I was upset that Austin saw us together.

“Let’s go, otherwise we’ll be late!” Mandy said appearing at the front door.

“I swear this was the place you guys and Austin always used to hang out,” Ben said randomly as we got into the car.

Mandy muttered something under her breath whilst Tyler spoke out loud. “Let’s just forget about this.”

I sighed, knowing that the hatred for each other will never die out.


When we got into the cinemas, Tyler and I had to sit together on one row and Ben and Mandy had to sit on another row.

Before the film started playing, I decided I needed to ask Tyler about Austin – after all, I couldn’t feel guiltier about tonight.

“I know I’ve asked you this before, but I want to know the truth now. What’s going on between you and Austin?” I asked, taking a deep breath in.

“Sienna, can’t we just forget about this? I’ve forgotten!” He said.

“Have you really forgotten?” I raised my eyebrows.

“Yes, I have. I don’t let him bother me anymore,” Tyler said, looking me straight in the eyes.

“It doesn’t mean you have forgotten,” I said.

“It means I haven’t forgiven,” He pointed out.

“Why though?” I asked.

“Why are you being so persistent? Does it even matter?”

The movie started playing as I answered him. “To me it does.”

“When the time is right, I’ll tell you,” he whispered. What does he even mean by that? But I left it. I didn’t ask him any longer. Instead, I thought I would try Austin and if he didn’t tell me… then, I don’t know what I’d do then. I’d probably just keep asking them or something!

During the movie, I had seemed to calm down a bit and had forgotten that Austin had walked into the same place we were in. The movie was romantic and cute but I could hear Tyler muttering unnecessary stuff under his breath when it got too lovey dovey.

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