Chapter Seven (Pic of Austin)

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“Sienna, get down here otherwise we're going to be too late!” Olivia shouted from downstairs. I quickly smeared some mascara on my lashes and played a bit with my hair which is now curled.

“Sienna!” Olivia screamed. She had come to my house to pick me up for the spring festival since she thought I would ditch out completely – which I most probably would have. Matt said that he would meet her at the dance and that way it will be us three together, but I'll try and find my way out of it since I feel like I'm intruding in their love life.

“If you don't come downstairs now, I will be leaving without you!” Olivia stated loudly. I took a quick over view of myself in my mirror and stumbled out towards the staircase.

“In case you didn't realize, I never wanted to go to this stupid dance, so it's fine with me if you leave without me,” I replied whilst coming down the stairs.

“Stop being stupid,” Olivia said rolling her eyes.

“You looking amazing in your dress,” I told Olivia truthfully- she did look amazing.

“I was just going to say the same thing about you. You look stunning!” She complimented me.

“Thanks,” I blushed as we made our way to Olivia's car.

As Olivia started driving, I suddenly felt nervous. I had no idea why.

I dazed off, wondering if Tyler and Austin were going to come as well. As soon as I thought about them, I had the urge to slap myself. Why ruin your night thinking about them? I think me and Tyler have finally managed to be civil with each other – maybe even friends – and me and Austin talk every now and then, and he's just as nice. But they ask me too many questions about each other, which really ticks me off because how am I supposed to know? And what's worse is that Austin says they are 'friends' and Tyler doesn't admit it but he doesn't deny it either. So are they friends, or not? Literally, the two most popular guys are hiding something from the whole school, if that was even possible.

My mind went blank, as Olivia parked in the school parking lot. I took in the decorations of the school. My boring old school seemed to clean up good because tonight it looked alive and filled with excitement.

“If we came any later, we would have never found a place to park the car,” Olivia said locking her car and stuffing her keys into her glitzy clutch.

“It wasn't my fault I couldn't find my heels,” I defended myself.

“The school looks amazing. I can't wait to see everyone inside!”

“Wasn't there a spring fest last year?” Olivia nodded her head in response to my question.

“Then why are you so excited?” I asked.

“I know you're going to think of me as some sort of soppy cliché person but it's the first dance every with Matt!” Olivia said excitedly.

“Aww! How cute,” I said, honestly happy at the relationship she formed with Matt. I also took in what she said, so now I am definitely staying out of there way.

“But you're staying the whole night with us! Apart from when prince charming asks you to dance with him,” Olivia told me as if she could read my mind.

I gave her a flat look in response, “I liked it better when we spoke about you and Matt.”

“You can't say no to him. At least not tonight!” Olivia said as we opened the gym doors.

I took a good look at the place which I hated. It looked nothing like the place where I get hit by balls because I'm bad as sports- It looked completely opposite to it. It looked amazing, and I never admire my school, especially the gym.

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