Chapter Nineteen

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I parked my car in the school's parking lot and made my way through my boring school. There's only one week left till I see Tyler at my house. Again.

Why does my dad have to make my life worse? Because, I know for a fact that Tyler is going to use that evening wisely.

I hope they cancel or something. Or I hope he doesn't come at all. I mean it would be better for the both of us. It would benefit me because I won't have to put up with his annoyance during dinner and it would be better for him so my parents don't think there is something going on between us. Which to be honest, I'm extremely surprised my parents think there's something going on between me and Tyler.

You would think that they would want to push him away, but no. They want us to be more than just friends. Just because my parents went through something similar, it does not mean that we like each other like they did. That's just stupid.

“Hey there beautiful.” At first I thought it was Tyler. Tyler does talk nonsense, so I assumed it was him without even looking to my side. But when I did look, I saw Austin instead. The complete opposite of Tyler.

“Oh, hey!” I blushed. I lowered my head so my hair fell into my face and hoped that he didn't see how red my face went because of his comment.

“I have to run, but there's this massive party tomorrow night and I was just wondering if you want to be my date,” His pale eyes sparkled from the gleaming sun.

“I haven't heard about this party. Who's hosting?” I laughed, not sure if I even want to go.

“Some senior, you probably don't know him but many people from your year are going too, so you don't have to be worried about being the only non-senior,” He flashed his perfect white teeth. I swear if he didn't go to my school, I would've thought he was some model or something. He was too perfect!

“I don't know...”

“Oh come on! It'll be fun and I won't leave you alone. Promise.”

Then I thought about Olivia and how it would do her good if she went out and experienced the single life. “Can I bring a friend?”

“Bring anyone you want! So, will you be my date tomorrow night?”

But I didn't answer. Not because I didn't want to go with him. But, because of the person heading towards us. She changed. In one night!

“Okay, well, we don't have to go as 'dates'... just as friends. I'm okay with that.”

When my gaze could actually drop from the new beaming Olivia, I turned to Austin finally. “Huh?”

“Urm.. well, I just said we don't have to go as dates. We can go as friends instead,” he repeated kindly for me.

“Well the thing is, I would rather go as friends for now. If that's all cool for you and stuff...”

“No, no. That's cool with me.” He smiled. “So, I'll call you later or something.”

I waved goodbye to him and turned around to face Olivia with a shocked expression. She had new brown highlights on her jet black hair. She wore a very, very mini skirt and a low-cut top and she jumped in excitement. Her new look was a little.... provocative.

“Well, then?! Do you like it?!” She squealed.

Yes, Olivia was a VERY hyper person but not straight after a heartbreak.

“I like your hair...” I tried to show her that I didn't really think what she was wearing for school was very appropriate, but I don't want to be the person who brings her down straight after a meltdown.

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