Chapter Thirty-Five

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Just stare at your computer screen and ignore Tyler's gaze. But it isn't working. No matter how much I tell myself to ignore him, it won't work.

Stephanie, Aiden and Jodien instantly knew there was something wrong and at first they tried to joke about but when neither me or Tyler replied to them, they knew this wasn't a joke.

But even though my art table aren't teasing me or joking about, Tyler keeps staring at me even when I purposely moved to the computer area to be away from him.

For once our art room was quite. But I didn't like it this way. I wanted to be sitting with my art table, joking about just like we did last week. Instead, I moved to keep away from Tyler. And if you think I'm being over dramatic then your wrong. Even Olivia told me to stay away from him at least for a while. And that's coming from Olivia!

“Yo, what's up with you and Tyler?” Aiden whispered, completely interrupting my train of thought. He dragged a chair and sat next to me.

“Ask him,” I replied bluntly still staring at me screen.

Ever since Friday evening, I had become so moody and the only people I would actually laugh with were Austin and Olivia. But even today I had been quiet with them.

“C'mon Sienna, stop being like this. What did Austin tell you?” Aiden begged. And then it hit me, Aiden already knew about the secret but he didn't even tell me. At least a warning would've been nice.

“You know what, Aiden? It's really annoying when you always take Tyler's side!” I told him and this time I turned around to face him.

“Yeah, well, you know what Sienna?” Aiden asked rhetorically. “Your stubbornness is really annoying. You won't even let the guy explain himself. You can't just jump to conclusions!” With that said, he got up but just before he walked over to our art table he turned around. “And I'm sorry for trying to be a good friend. I just want you guys to sort it out. I'm not picking sides.”

He was right. I was being stubborn.

But what Austin told me was so believable and I was scared Tyler would say something and make me fall even harder for him. He might just end up lying to me and then I'll be crushed.

I wanted to go up to Tyler and ask him to explain his side of the story but something told me not to.

The bell rang and Tyler and Aiden left immediately.

I walked over to where Jodien and Stephanie were packing away their stuff.

“Don't you think you're being harsh on Tyler?” Jodien asked me, sounding completely serious.

“He's actually one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. You're blowing your chances!” Stephanie said, and for once she sounded serious too.

Was I being over-dramatic about this? Should I speak to him?

“We'll catch you later, bye!” Stephanie said and they both walked off as well.

Maybe I should speak to him.

I walked out of my art classroom and down the stairs, heading to the cafeteria. If I find him there, I will get him to explain. I'll probably still doubt his explanation but still, I need to speak to him to get it out of my chest.

I saw Olivia casually talking to a group of people and then I saw Tyler sitting on one of the tables... talking to a girl... playing with her hair... obviously flirting.

Maybe, I shouldn't speak to him.

After all, he's the one whose going around flirting with other people. He doesn't even realize that he hurt me. He's either got eyesight problems or he really doesn't care. And by the looks of it, he doesn't care about me.

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