Chapter Twenty

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“Are you for real?” Olivia gaped at the massive house before us and the amount of people surrounding it.

Austin picked us up at eight and he drove us to the party. “This isn't as big as some others, trust me!” Austin told Olivia whilst making his way through the front yard.

“Yeah, I know. Tyler's party was way much bigger than this but still. Look at the size of his house!” Olivia said speed walking to keep pace with Austin.

He chuckled at the thought of Tyler. “Let's just say that this guy didn't invite the whole school in a school festival.”

“Jealous much?” Olivia said.

“I'm not jealous, I'm stating facts.”

“Look, I know about you're stupid feud with him. Well, I know you guys don't speak but I don't know why. I bet you it was something stupid, anyways. But my point is, that just because his party was like the party of the year, doesn't mean you have to deny it,” Olivia told him as if I weren't there. Austin probably thinks I bait out his life now!

“He's popular,” Austin said bluntly as we walked inside the house with loud music.

“Exactly!” Olivia shouted over the music, whilst rolling her eyes at him.

I could tell that they don't really like each other, and that they were just putting up with each other since I was there.

We walked to a room which looked like the living room. I saw a few, odd juniors at the party but most of them were seniors. Then this random dude came up to Austin and they were too busy talking, so Olivia suggested we snoop around the house for a bit.


“Maybe we should leave now,” I whispered to Olivia, who just happened to be looking through a chestnut drawer in a 'hidden room' on the third floor.

There were three rooms all together on the third floor and the one we were in now seemed to be a dark room and no-one was in it so we just called it the 'hidden room'.

“His house is so boring!” Olivia complained walking up to me. I was waiting near the door in case someone came.

“What were you expecting to find?”

“Anything!” Olivia answered my question as we walked down the stairs.

I laughed. “And what were you planning to do with whatever you found?”

“Duh... expose his life!”

“People probably know about his life without having to expose any of his belongings,” I said reaching the bottom of the stairs.

Just as we were about to head into the kitchen, Matt stepped out. He smiled at both of us and I turned round to see what Olivia was doing. I wasn't going to smile back at him if Olivia weren't.

I knew it. I knew they didn't sort it out. But I also knew Olivia wasn't lying about her being happier now and all that. She has started doing stuff she loved again and when she went out with Matt she would've rather spent time with him then join productions and other things.

“Olivia, I would just like to talk to you. Properly. And explain ev –” Matt said, shouting over the music, but Olivia looked away.

“Please,” His eyes begged for Olivia to look at him.

But Olivia did the complete opposite of what he wanted. Instead, she pushed past him and walked into the kitchen, leaving me and Matt alone.

“Could you please convince her to talk to me? Please?” Matt said, turning to face me.

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