Chapter Twenty-Four

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I took out my Biology book from my locker and closed it shut. “It's tomorrow – Wednesday,” I told Olivia again.

Yesterday, after school, Tyler had taken me to McDonald's and he had invited me and the rest of my art table to go to his place on Wednesday after school to watch a movie and he said that I could invite Olivia if I wanted to.

“Isn't it an art gathering though?” Olivia asked, confused.

“It's just our art table but we ain't doing any art work. We're just getting together for fun.”

“So it's this Wednesday?”

“Yep,” I nodded my head as we started walking to our second lesson.

“Jay sort of wanted to take me out to this museum kinda thing,” Olivia told me.

“Museum kinda thing?” I repeated, making sure I heard her right.

“It's not like a proper museum but it has some old history stuff,” she said. “So I might not end up coming.”

“That's fine by me. After all, you're spending time with Jay,” I laughed.

“Yeah, and your spending time with Tyler,” she said.

“How was yesterday with Jay?” I asked her.

“He's really great. He's so nice but I just got out of a relationship, so I don't want to be in one so soon.”

“Did you tell him that?”

“Yeah, and he said he understood. For now, he's like my best guy friend,” Olivia told me as we walked into our classroom and sat at the back in our usual seats.

“By the way, our gym class is joining another gym class for the rest of the year,” Olivia told me after the teacher had taken the register.

“Which class?” I asked, curious.

“Natasha's,” Olivia replied, calmly. Doesn't she hate Natasha?

“Why are we joining classes?”

“Don't really know. It's probably easier to asses everyone before our exams and stuff,” Olivia said just before the teacher gave us a stern look, signalling that we should be quiet.


Biology seemed to carry on for hours and when the lesson finished, I jumped out of my seat, happy that the lesson was over.

Olivia followed behind me as we rushed out of the classroom. I accidentally ran into somebody's chest as Olivia crashed into my back.

“Ow!” I muttered to myself as I moved back from the person I had crashed into and rubbed my back, where Olivia had accidentally ran into.

I looked up to apologize to the person I had crashed into, only to find a smirking Tyler.

His eyes sparkled with amusement as he spoke. “I never knew you were that excited to see me!”

I sighed, knowing this was going to turn into another argument where I would have to state that not everyone loved him and where he began being big-headed again. “That was an accident!”

“Sure it was! If you can't wait till tonight, let's go now,” Tyler winked as he laughed.

I couldn't help the smile that crept up my face – his deep laugh was attractive. “Is that what you think of me Tyler? Am I that easy?”

“You might not be easy, but you're mine.”

I looked down as my cheeks heated up. “Prove it,” I finally said.

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