20- Apprentices

298 15 7

[Bluestar invited ThunderClan]

Bluestar. WindClan has returned thanks to Fireheart and Graystripe!

Whitestorm. good job

Longtail. yippe

Bluestar. Now I reword them with two apprentices: Cinderkit and Brackenkit!

Tigerclaw. WHAT?!?!

Cinderkit. REALLY?!? WOWIE WOW!!

Brackenkit. SO EXCITED!!

Frostfur_their_mother. Ok, but promise me you too will be good to your mentors!

Thornkit. Why can't me and Brightkit become apprentices?

Brightkit. YEAH! We are the same age as them!

Frostfur. because you aren't six moons old


Tigerclaw. yeah Bluestar! They shouldn't be apprentices yet!

Bluestar. merp.

Frostfur. Sorry other kits. you are just not ready

Brackenkit. Yeah! we get apprenticed early!

Thornkit. NOT FAIR

Brightkit. humph.

Bluestar. now Brackenkit is Brackenpaw and Cinderkit is Cinderpaw and they are now apprentices and their mentors are Graystripe and Fireheart. yup.

Tigerclaw. ugh

[almost everyone logged off]

Cinderpaw. What are we going to do first? Where are we going to go? Can we go hunting? Or you could teach me battle moves? Or we could patrol borders! Or-

Fireheart. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Fireheart. I got horrible sleep when I was searching for WindClan! I'm going to go to sleep!

Cinderpaw. But... It's only sunhigh!

Fireheart. goodnight.

[Fireheart logged off]

Cinderpaw. How's your training going, Brackenpaw?

Brackenpaw. Graystripe fell asleep during the ceremony.

Cinderpaw. O_o

[everyone logged off]

[chat has been inactive for 24 hours]

[Fireheart, Graystripe, Cinderpaw, and Brackenpaw logged on]

Graystripe. and that concludes the tour of the territory!

Fireheart. let's head back to camp now

[Random_kittypet logged on]

Random_kittypet. HI!

Cinderpaw. *hisses*

Fireheart. *growls*

Graystripe. get off of our territory

Brackenpaw. or else

[Random_kittypet set her mood to: scared]

[Random_kittypet logged off]

Fireheart. ok then... now let's go back to camp!

[Fireheart set his location to: camp]

Graystripe. go have fun with your unlucky littermates

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