24- Mistle

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This one will be half-chatroom and half-regular so just keep reading as we learn more about Redtail...

Redtail followed Whiteclaw silently. It was nice to have another warrior in camp, now it was easier to hunt for Purplekit and Flykit. Now, Redtail was getting suspicious of his whereabouts. Redtail growled as Whiteclaw slowly entered RiverClan territory.

Whiteclaw turned around as Redtail spoke, "Where are you going?"

"Ummmm, I made a promise and I will keep it.... I'm not visiting RiverClan." Whiteclaw stuttered.

"Then what are you doing?" Redtail growled.

"Visiting my mate..." Whiteclaw said.

"Leopardfur?" Redtail asked.

"No.. Well I wish..." Redtail was shocked at the tom's secret feelings for the RiverClan deputy, "but my mate is Greenflower, she's expecting my kits... I have to see her!"

"When I said no visiting RiverClan, I meant it! It's too risky!" Redtail hissed back.

"Tell me more of what you're planning! I deserve to know if I'm part of this 'rebellion'"

Redtail sighed, "my sister and medicine cat at the time, Spottedleaf, told me of a horrible prophecy. She only told me the whole prophecy because I was deputy at the time. It said: "blood is coming and fire alone can save our clan but red flames can save all the clans." Or something like that, That's also the night I faked my death."

"I don't understand..."

"Don't you see? Something horrible is coming, something greater than the clans, something that could kill us all! Spottedleaf told me to leave and plan a secret rebellion and that only on the night when the moon shines red, will we be able to defeat. That's why Clawface killed her- they found out she was conspiring with me! It's all my fault! Now I must do as she asked! Defeat blood and time itself!"

Whiteclaw stood dumbfounded, "I'm part of something bigger than me, bigger than the clans, bigger than StarClan... Aren't I?"

"Fate rests in our paws and the paws of others." Redtail finished.

Whiteclaw and Redtail turned around and headed back to camp.


[Speckletail and Bluestar logged on]

Speckletail. Bluestar! There's greencough in the nursery!

Bluestar. How many kits have it?

Speckletail. Just my kit, Mistlekit...

[Snowkit logged on]

Snowkit. Speckletail! Where's my sister Mistlekit?!?

Speckletail. She's just going to be staying in the medicine cat den for a while... *thinks of her two kits*

Snowkit. :(

[Snowkit logged off]

[Yellowfang logged on]

Yellowfang. I'm sorry Specketail... She just isn't getting any better..

Speckletail screeches. HELP HER!!! *sees poor Mistlekit*

Yellowfang. I'm sorry... I did all I could for the three moon old kit...

Speckletail. She's going to die... Isn't she?!?!

Yellowfang. She is very young...

Speckletail. *crys*

Yellowfang. But we have to keep her out of camp, so no one else gets the sickness

Speckletail. Do what you must, Lionheart, my other kit, is already dead. StarClan is cruel to me

[Speckletail and Bluestar logged off]

Yellowfang. *takes kit and puts a little bit away from camp*

[Yellowfang logged off]
[Chat has been inactive for two days]
[Yellowfang logged on]

Yellowfang. MISTLEKIT!!! MISTLEKIT?!?!

[Mistlekit updated her status to: missing]

Yellowfang. If Speckletail finds out... She's going to kill me...

[Spottedleaf_of_StarClan logged on]

Yellowfang gasps. SPOTTEDLEAF?

Spottedleaf. Shhh Yellowfang, you're text-dreaming. Don't go looking for Mistlekit... She is safe. I promise I'll look after her.

Yellowfang. Is she in StarClan?

[Spottedleaf logged off]

Yellowfang. *wakes up*

[Yellowfang invited Speckletail]

Yellowfang. Speckletail... I'm sorry but Mistlekit is dead

Speckletail. Oh. :( :( :( I'm going to look after Snowkit now... StarClan is cruel..

[Everyone logged off]


Last night....

Redtail suddenly woke up and gasped. It was the first time Spottedleaf had visited him in a dream.

Whiteclaw stood up beside him. "What is it?"

"I must go, Spottedleaf spoke to me, watch after the kits." Redtail exited the cave.

He walked on the small ledge, to the left was a stone wall and to the right was the waterfall and gorge. One slip and he would surly die.

He continued walked until he was near ThunderClan camp, it was easy walking through his old territory especially during the night.

He walked until he reached a small, hollowed out tree in which a small sleeping kit lay inside. Though the smell of greencough still lay in the air, the kit was free of the horrible sickness.

What Redtail could notice was that the kit had a mild case of Unknown. Redtail had the power to sense the presence of Unknown, which usually only mothers can do for their kits. Too bad the father was Unknown.

"Hello Mistlekit." He whispered.

The little kit woke up, "where's Speckletail and Snowkit?"

Mistlekit is a pale gray tabby she-cat with dark stripes, white paws, Amber eyes, and small ears.

"The Sharpest Mistle can survive the reddest berries." Redtail recited the newest prophecy before picked up Mistlekit and heading back to camp.

Comment what you thought of this chapter! :3 Any good warrior names for Mistlekit?

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