37- Story Time

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{ continued from previous }

Rosetail. Once upon a time... The End

Graystripe. Boooooooo

Rosetail. The most exciting parts of my life were with Ma bestie Bluefur here whether it was teasing her about Thrushpelt or patrolling or whatever

Fireheart. I guess it's quiz time then!

Graystripe. Did you have any littermates?

Rosetail. Oh yes. Sweetpaw, named after the current leader aka Tigerstar's father's mother: Sweetbrair and Tigerstar's mentor! Thistleclaw!

Sandstorm. Any complicated family past like the gray Tom right over there?

Graystripe. I don't see a gray Tom

Rosetail. My father was half WindClan!

Fireheart. Ooooooo interesting. And-

Rosetail. Goodnight! *falls asleep*

[Rosetail logged off]

Sandstorm. Bluestar! You're next!

Fireheart. Tell me why you keep on hanging out with the, ah, younger generation?

Bluestar. Because leadership is very boring and dull and can make a cat boring and dull therefore I leave Whitestorm in charge. You'll understand later in life

Fireheart. Ummmmm ok

Bluestar. NOW LET ME TAKE A SELFIE!! *everyone crowds behind Bluestar and she takes it*

Sandstorm. Now now Mousefur, got any secrets?

Mousefur. I'm secretly writing a book!

Everyone. *gasp*

Mousefur. It really expresses my true personality

Graystripe. Can we read it???

Mousefur. Fine here's a small part I've been working on:

A random part of Mousefur's Story
By Mousefur

It is the best of all the best.
The sun goes down the road of life everyday, so why not we too? Life would be great if you don't want it now.
I'm not going anywhere else in the world.
Together with my friends and I have no idea what I'm saying.
The only way to get it right is not a good idea but it was the best of the best.
A fly has no trouble with the sun, but the sun hates us all. Like me.

Fireheart. I don't get it

Sandstorm. Are you saying that we choose whether to make life sad or good and that we can't change the bad though we can make it good?

Mousefur. I'm also saying it isn't a good idea to overthink this. Though it is the best.

Bluestar. You also said you hate everything

Fireheart. I don't get it

Mousefur. Goodbye *leaves back for camp*

Graystripe. Hey Fireheart! How's that bucket list going?

Sandstorm. What bucket list?

Fireheart. We plan on breaking all the laws of the warrior code!

Bluestar. Great idea! I wish I would have thought of that...

Graystripe. So there's fifteen laws and fifteen things on the bucket list

Sandstorm. You already did the first two: don't defend clan and trespass on other cat's territory

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