44- Truth

152 8 2

Prepare for Fireheart drama lol

[Whitestorm invited ThunderClan]

Whitestorm. Ok, ok, EVERYONE WAKE UP!

Fireheart. Whiiiiiiitestoooorrm it sooooo earllyyyyy... whyyyy

Whitestorm. It's time for everyone to help clean up the ThunderClan camp from the epic party last night, so GET UP NOW

ThunderClan *groans*

[All of ThunderClan except Fireheart and Sandstorm logged off to get to work]

Fireheart. Wow that was a great party last night! And It was good to see Graystripe again!

Sandstorm. Yeah I suppose, but it was stupid to get the StarClanPolice involved. The party was fun but I think It was a bad idea

Fireheart. What? But Everyone had fun!

Sandstorm. Yeah maybe it was worth it. So let's go help clean up now

Fireheart. Or we could...

Sandstorm. what?

Fireheart. Leave

Sandstorm. Agh you are so immature! We can't just ditch everyone for them to do all the work!

Fireheart. But why not?

Sandstorm. See? This is why you could never be clan leader and will never be clan leader!

Fireheart. Fine then I'll find someone else!

Sandstorm. AGHHHHHHHH You will never change will you?

Fireheart. And stop being awesome and amazing? I think not.

Sandstorm. Fine. I'll see you later Fireheart when you decide to apologize

Fireheart. For what?

Sandstorm. *growls*

Fineheart. Fine.

[Fireheart invited Cinderpaw]

Fireheart. Cinderpaw, do you want to ditch ThunderClan with me?

Cinderpaw. Ok sure!

Sandstorm. *hiss*

[Sandstorm logged off]

Cinderpaw. Oh and it's Cinderpelt now

[Cinderpaw became Cinderpelt]

Fireheart. Cool, let's leave

Cinderpelt. Uh where are we going?

Fireheart. IDK Let's just walk this direction *Points towards tallpines*

Cinderpelt. Ok sure merp de merp merp *starts walking* Soooooooo what's up with Sandstorm?

Fireheart. I don't even know. Everytime I mention Spottedleaf she gets mad at me for a while, and she was here for a second at the party yesterday

Cinderpelt. OH Well Just know that Sandstorm is very fond of you

Fireheart. What? Sandstorm? Never.

Cinderpelt. Well why not?

Fireheart. Spottedleaf and I are in a very committed relationship

Cinderpelt. Really -_- is that so?

Fireheart. Really really :)

Cinderpelt. You do realize she's dead, right?

Fireheart. She lives on in my heart and my dreams

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