43 -The Experiment

175 13 3

[Fireheart logged onto Dream_Chatroom]
[Spottedleaf logged on]

Spottedleaf. Sup

Fireheart. Wow why am I here is this about the apocalypse?

Spottedleaf. I thought we were passed that already, there is no apocalypse

Fireheart. What 0_0 :(

Spottedleaf. Oh yeah... Oops. I lied

Fireheart. *le criez* all of Whitestorm's planning for nothing!

Spottedleaf. But I got a serious prophecy from StarClan for u!

Fireheart. I don't care



Spottedleaf. How are we going to make our relationship work if you won't listen to me??

Fireheart. Fine. Go ahead.

Spottedleaf. No no, never mind. I'll just tell Cinderpaw instead

Fireheart. Good. At least she might do something about it

Spottedleaf. What's that supposed to mean?

Fireheart. StarClan cats r lazzzzzyy

Spottedleaf. I don't know what u are talking about, Silverstream and I have been very busy PLOTTING

Fireheart. Cools

[Spottedleaf and Fireheart logged off]

[12 hours later]

[Fireheart, Sandstorm, Littlecloud, Whitethroat, Cinderpaw, and Cloudpaw logged on]

Cloudpaw. Movies, movies, moooooovies!!

Sandstorm. Yeah, Crookedstar's Promise was so sad! I wonder if it's based on a true story...

Littlecloud. Yeah I had fun

Fireheart. Yes, Cinderpaw, it was a good idea for you to invite these two

Cinderpaw. Fireheart, you were the one who invited them. And when they said 'no' you clawed them until they said yes and literally dragged them to the movie theater

Fireheart. What? That's not how I remember it

Whitethroat. Yeah... Anyways..... We did have fun. Thanks for forcefully making us go

Fireheart. No one cares about you Whitethroat, so Littlecloud, again tomorrow?

Littlecloud. Actually, thanks to Cinderpaw, Whitethroat and I are feeling much better and will return to ShadowClan now


Littlecloud. ??? uhhh Bye Cinderpaw, I guess I'll see you at the next gathering

Cinderpaw. See you around Littlecloud

Fireheart. yesssss at the next gathering then

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