39 1/2- The Trial

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Lol lol lol

sorry this isn't in Chatroom form, and doesn't really flow with the normal chapters. but merp de merp merp. hope you all enjoy :3

    Fireheart, Cloudpaw, and Graystripe walked through ThunderClan's forest in silence. They were looking for some fun on a boring day. Fireheart was supposed to be on one of his own patrols but... whatever. Since Bluestar had gone nutzo they could do whatever they wanted, errr. They always did whatever they wanted. Everything was quiet even while a murderous murder was probably lurking in the shadows. Just yesterday, Tigerclaw came forward and tried to murder Bluestar during the attack he had staged to try to cover up his attempt, but Fireheart was able to save Bluestar. Fireheart then became the deputy of ThunderClan and everything was ok. Only a couple normal cats were mad because he was made deputy late.

    "Uh, Fireheart... why are you randomly leading me through the forest again?" Graystripe asked impatiently, "And... why is Cloudpaw here?"

"Cloudpaw is here because he wanted to come." Fireheart meowed.

"I like cookies." Cloudpaw said as he munched on cookies.

"And we are going to ShadowClan!" Fireheart said, "It's time to make some ShadowClan friends!"

"Why do we need ShadowClan friends? Can't we just have ThunderClan friends?"

"It's important to make friends with everyone!" Fireheart insisted.

The trio then journeyed into ShadowClan territory. Nightstar, the ShadowClan leader had everyone gathered below for a Clan meeting.

    "So, Daily update on my health: Old and getting older." Nightstar said.

    "Nightstar, why do you always need to give health updates?" Cinderfur asked.

    "ITS ELDERSTAR!" Nightstar insisted.

    "Yeah, Elderstar is a much cooler name." The trio of ThunderClan warriors made a dramatic entrance and Fireheart took off his shades.

    "Who are you?" Cinderfur asked, "ThunderClan invaders??"

Cinderfur unsheathed his claws. Everyone else stood there stupidly.

    "No... I'm Wetfoot." Graystripe lied.

    "And I'm... Stumpytail." Fireheart hid his perfectly normal tail.


    "His name's Brownpaw." Firestar said even though Cloudpaw was very white and fluffy.

    "......." ShadowClan stayed quiet.

    "That sounds right." Elderstar said.

    "But Elderstar! They aren't..." Cinderfur, his deputy, protested.

    "No, I'm too old to remember names. Now, I gathered you all here today because ONE OF YOU IS A MURDERER."

ShadowClan gasped in shock.

    "I have had an omen!" Runningnose began, "The-"

    "Wait!! Littlecloud, are you filming this?" Nightstar asked.

    "Yup. Fabulous movie you are making BTW." Littlecloud the camera cat said.

    "Oakpaw is the lead!!!" Runningnose said dramatically.

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