38- Don't Leave

186 11 8

- TIME: 11:42 pm

[Graystripe invited Fireheart]

Fireheart. What is it Graystripe? It's almost Midnight!

Graystripe. Silverstream! She started her kitting at Sunningrocks but... Something's wrong! Get help!

Fireheart. Ok I'm on it!

- TIME: 12:23 am

[Cinderpaw logged on]

Cinderpaw. Ok I'm here Graystripe

Fireheart. I couldn't find Yellowfang

Graystripe. HELP HERRRR

[Silverstream logged on]

Cinderpaw. Ok

- TIME: 12:37

[Tigerclaw logged on]

Tigerclaw. I smelled blood. What's going on here

Graystripe. Silverstream.... Don't leave me....

Fireheart. Shush Tigerclaw, Cinderpaw needs to concentrate

- TIME: 12:56

Cinderpaw. Congrats Graystripe, your a father of two kits.... But....

Graystripe. Silverstream... Stay with us... Please *crys*

Silverstream wheezes. Please don't cry. I told you we would name the kits after they were born

Graystripe. One girl, one boy. Can we name them Cookiekit and Wafflekit now?

Silverstream. No. Name the girl Featherkit. I picked out the name a while ago

Graystripe. What about the boy?

Silverstream. Pick something powerful for him. I'm sorry I can't be with you anymore my love

Graystripe. Silverstream....

Silverstream. Goodbye Graystripe, take care of the kits

[Silverstream logged off forever]

- TIME: 1:23

[Everyone except Graystripe logged off]

Graystripe. *burying Silverstream's body near Sunningrocks*

[The Weather updated to: stormy and currently raining]

Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This is love, it's clear to see
But darling, stay with me
Why am I so emotional?
No, it's not a good look,
gain some self-control
But the feeling overwhelming,
It's much too strong
And deep down I know this would never work
Why didn't you stay with me?

[Silverstream_StarClan logged on]

Silverstream. *looking down at Graystripe from StarClan*
Yes I do, I believe
That one day you will be, where you were
Right there, right next to me
And it's hard, the days just seem so dark
The moon, and the stars, are nothing without you
No words can explain, the way I'm missing you

Graystripe. *staring up at the stars not knowing Silverstream was watching him*
The night, this emptiness, this hole that I'm inside
These tears, they tell their own story
You told me not to cry when you were gone
But I'm missing you like crazy

I'm reaching out to you
Can you hear my call?
Who's to say you won't hear me?
This hurt that I've been through
I'm missing you, missing you like crazy

Graystripe. Why did you have to leave, Silverstream? Because your all I need

Fireheart. Sometimes you just really need to break out in song

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