47 - Funeral

296 13 14


[Bluestar invited Fireheart]

Bluestar. Yo you rusty pelted cat. Are all of my warriors ready for the battle?

Fireheart. What battle?

Bluestar. The battle against StarClan of course!

[Whitestorm logged on]

Whitestorm. for the last time, WE AREN'T GONNA FIGHT STARCLAN

Bluestar. you can stay behind and guard the camp then if you're going to be negative about it.

Whitestorm. Bluestar, let's just try to get through tonight's gathering

Bluestar. Not important


Bluestar. Fireheart can handle it, I'm busy

Fireheart. Good idea

Whitestorm. BUSY WITH WHAT?!?!

Bluestar. Battle strategies, duh, do you think the whole clan can fit into the moonstone cave?

Whitestorm. .......

Bluestar. Ugh you're no help, so I'll have to do it all myself and won't be attending the gathering tonight

[Bluestar logged off]

Whitestorm. Oh Fireheart, If only you would have known Bluestar when she was younger, other than the fact she was a sad mess because like all of her fam is dead (except me :), she was a great leader who only cared about her clan. She would have done anything for her clan, and put it above everything. Yet now, I don't think she will ever recover and be that great leader she once was. Then, she made great decisions and I was proud to serve her.

Cloudpaw. I like cookies

Whitestorm. Fireheart?!?!? What's he doing here?

Fireheart. He's like, my apprentice, right?

Cloudpaw. Yeah I think. You trained me like once I think

Whitestorm. Were you two listening?

Fireheart. You know we weren't ;)

Whitestorm. ...... I'm going to go find Brackenfur now and take care of the gathering

Fireheart. But that's my job!!!

Whitestorm. Are you going to do it?

Fireheart. Nope

[Whitestorm logged off]

Cloudpaw. Can I be a warrior now?

Fireheart. Do you know how to patrol? Hunt? Fight?

Cloudpaw. Have you taught me how to patrol? Hunt? Fight?

Fireheart. ..... probably?

Cloudpaw. Well ThunderClan doesn't care about borders-

(Brackenfur in the background. YES WE DO)

Cloudpaw. -and I caught that vole that one time like last winter and yeah I can probably just figure out how to fight like during the battle

Fireheart. *wipes tear away from eye* They grow up so fast. I think you finally understand the meaning of clan loyalty and will never go be a kittypet.

Cloudpaw. Loyalty? What's that?

Fireheart. Idk. Something Whitestorm mentioned this one time..... long ago.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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