30- Dates

263 10 8

PS if the cat's name has a M after it that means the voice is coming from the movie

[Bluestar invited ThunderClan]

Bluestar. It is finally time for two more apprentices to become warriors

Frostfur. *rapidly licks Brightkit and Thornkit*

Bluestar. Brightpaw, your mentor is Whitestorm. Thornpaw, your mentor is Mousefur.

Clan. Brightpaw! Thornpaw!

Brightpaw. At last we are apprentices like our other siblings!

Thornpaw. :3

[Everyone except Graystripe and Fireheart logged off]

Graystripe. It's time to go meet the RiverClan cats at Fourtress!

[Fireheart updated his location to: fourtrees]

[Silverstream, Mistyfoot, and Graypool logged on]

Silverstream. Hello Graystripes

Fireheart. Now, I must speak with Graypool in privet

Mistyfoot. That's fine

Graystripe. Ok.... If you and Mistyfoot with go on another date

Fireheart. WHAT?!?

Mistyfoot. SILVERSTREAM.....

Silverstream. Yup

Mistyfoot. We never really had a first date tho

Fireheart. AS FRIENDS. We can all hang out together

Mistyfoot. Ugh fine AS FRIENDS. We can go to the movies together!

Silverstream. I hear Elderstar's Legacy is good. Also Tallstar the Stalker or Leopardfur's Secret Love

Fireheart. Why doesn't ThunderClan make any movies

Mistyfoot. Because the other clans have more time to kill because they do less crazy stuff

Fireheart. It is now on my bucket list to make a movie

Graystripe. It's settled, we will all go hang out and eat some junk food

Silverstream. Oh glorious!

[Silverstream Graystripe Mistyfoot logged off]

Fireheart. *takes out notepad* where were you on the night that Oakheart died

Graypool. In camp

Fireheart. What did Oakheart say something about how no TC cat would ever hurt Stonefur?

Graypool. *gasp*

Fireheart. *writes on notepad*

Graypool. They are not my kits

Fireheart. *gasp* *also has strange future déjà vu*

Graypool. Oakheart gave Mistyfoot and Stonefur to me, but I scented ThunderClan scent on them

Fireheart. Continue

Graypool. Please don't tell Mistyfoot or Stonefur

Fireheart. Sure... *writes a reminder on notepad to tell them later* anything else?

Graypool. That is all

Fireheart. I think we're done here

Graypool. Good

[Graypool logged off]
[Silver/Gray/Misty logged on]

Silverstream. We already got some popcorn, so let's go!

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