23- Marshmellow

270 12 13

[Yellowfang invited Fireheart]

Yellowfang. I need more herbs!!!!

Yellowfang. HERBS!!

Fireheart. Go get them yourself you crazy old she-cat

Yellowfang. No way, not in this weather


Yellowfang. I wish it was snowing herbs

Fireheart. Herbing

Yellowfang. ......

Fireheart. Ok I'll go

[Yellowfang logged off]
[Fireheart set his location to: near twoleg place]
[Princess and Smudge logged on]

Smudge. Rusty!

Fireheart. Hi Smudge!

Princess. I had my kits!

Smudge. Our kits

Fireheart. Awwwww

Princess. Our twolegs named them Cody, Smokey, Bone, Jingo, and Marshmellow!

Smudge. We love all of them already

Fireheart. Awwwww. Clan life is good too- but my apprentice got hurt.... *explains story*

Princess. Maybe tigerguy actually set that trap for blueleader!

Fireheart. .....
Princess. .....
Smudge. .....

Fireheart. Wow how did you think of that

Princess. Idk

Smudge. Better go... I'll say hi to the kits for you

Fireheart. Thanks!! Bye!!

[Princess and Smudge logged off]
[Fireheart set location to: camp]
[Yellowfang logged on]

Yellowfang. Yippe. HERBS. BTW Cinderpaw has an infection but Graystripe is fine now

Fireheart. :( :)

[Whitestorm logged on]

Whitestorm. Hey fireheart, want to take Sandpaw out hunting?

Yellowfang. And I'm leaving

[Yellowfang logged off]

Fireheart. Uhhhhhhhh

[Sandpaw logged on]

Sandpaw. Sure! That sounds great!

Whitestorm. Great!

[Whitestorm logged off]

Fireheart. Uhhhhhhhh

Sandpaw. Come on!

Fireheart. *nervously follows and thinks he must be walking into a trap/prank*

Sandpaw. You look like the wind might knock you over... Let's run, it might loosen you up some *runs off*

Fireheart. *also runs after her*

Fireheart. Ok, I have to know, why are you being so um nice to me?

Sandpaw. Idk... I guess I owe you one for sort of saving my life

Fireheart. Yeah I guess...

Sandpaw. *is distracted and runs into a bush* ugh *gets out of bush*

Sandpaw. *also notices that Brindleface aka her over protective mother is stalking them from inside the bush, but decides not to mention it to Fireheart because it would creep him out*

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